Two Hands, One Box

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Both of our hands froze in the fudge ball box, as our fingers rested together on the same ball. Why couldn't we move? For some reason, we were stuck once again staring into each other's eyes, with me on the table and Spencer in the chair in front of me. I took the time to notice the details of his face...his cheekbones, his eyes, his lips...he's so handsome, I wouldn't be surprised if he sculpted his face himself.

And yet, we still sat in awkward silence as our hands grew sweaty in the box. Finally; Spencer slowly drew his hand away from the box, but without a fudge ball in his hand.

"You can have it."

"What?" I replied, confused.

"The fudge ball. It's all yours."

But I wanted to be all his. Obliging with his instruction, I brought the fudge ball to my mouth and slowly ate it, never breaking eye contact with Spencer. He leaned forward in his chair, resting one arm on his leg. I swallowed.

"Are we doing this?"

"....doing....what?" What was he talking about?

"Cmon, I mean...this."

Spender leaned forward further and brought his lips to mine, so close I could smell his fudge ball breath-but he didn't kiss me.

"I'll ask again...are we doing this?" He whispered this time, with a low voice I hadn't heard him use before, sending chills down my spine.

Yes, oh god yes, there's nothing I would ever want more in the world...

...But, instead of actually saying that, I didn't say anything.

I just closed the gap between are mouths, and kissed him.

Spencer Shay x Y/N : Best Friend's BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now