The Love Game

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But for real, did he just say a Lady Gaga lyric?
Probably noticing the visible confusion on my face, Spencer distracted me with another kiss. Now, with my body pressed against his, I began grinding my hips in circles on top of his jeans. I felt a bulge from his pants.

With my skirt beginning to rise, Spencer also began to move under my skirt to caress my ass. (Could not have chosen a better day to wear a thong.) He pinched, squeezed, and lightly smacked me all while our tongues swirled around inside each other's mouths.

Spencer abruptly withdrew his kissing and caressing and breathlessly muttered

"We need to go."

"Hm? Go where?"

"Follow me."

But I didn't have to stand up to follow him-he stood up, my body still wrapped around his, and began walking towards a door in the corner, which I can assume is to his bedroom.

This is it. No backing out now.

We reach the door-I wonder if I'm ready.
He turns the doorknob-I worry that I won't be enough.
We enter the room-the dim lighting slightly slows my pounding heartbeat.
He shuts the door-and my innocence is left outside.
He throws me on the bed-I know my world's about to get rocked.

I want your love and I want your revenge, you and me could-

Now he's got ME thinking in Lady Gaga lyrics...

Spencer Shay x Y/N : Best Friend's BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now