Chapter One

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Renata's POV:

"That would be $14.25, please," said the lady at the counter of the bakery. I handed over my credit card and in exchange, the lady handed me a box of fresh smelling chocolate chip muffins.

"Thank you for eating at Crumbs!" she said with a huge, dimply smile on her face. I smiled and grabbed the neat pink box. With a swoosh of the heavy glass door, I was back out on the streets of New York City.

I started humming the catchy tune that had unfortunately gotten stuck in my head while at the bakery when my phone's alarm beeped, signaling that I needed to catch a taxi to my job interview.

I hailed down one of those bright yellow taxis and quickly got in.

"245 5th Avenue please," I said, closing the taxi door behind me. The cab driver started driving and I checked my phone to see if there were any messages from my friends back in London.

They were a couple texts from my friends back in England wishing me luck at my interview and a picture of Charlie in Iron Man footie pajamas with a giant chocolate biscuit in his mouth.

I smiled to myself, almost a bit wistfully, and the taxi driver rolled to a stop outside my flat. I thanked and paid him, then slammed the cab door shut.

Hurrying through the back door of the Armani store, and into the private sleek, black elevator, I made my way upstairs to the hall where my flat was actually located.

You're probably wondering why I call my "apartment" a flat. I grew up in England, and because of some bad memories, I decided to move continents to a place that my past hadn't ruined.

(Yes, I realize that's a bit dramatic, but the situation was a bit dramatic. I'll get to that later. Maybe. Probably.)

Anyway, I walked the long plain corridor until I got to my bright turquoise door that Zoe and I had painted together the last time she visited me.

I unlocked the door with the matching turquoise key and walked in to an unusually quiet atmosphere. I have to say, it was a bit strange walking into a house with no noise.

I shook my head and reminded myself that it was only a couple more weeks until Charlie came back home.

Placing my box of muffins under a glass dome on the kitchen countertop, I made my way to my room where I hurriedly changed out of my casual clothes to something a bit business appropriate.

Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I made my way back to the kitchen where I grabbed my cross shoulder bag and my mini iPad.

Locking the front door, I ran back outside and called another cab that would be able to take me to my job interview.

I stepped inside the slightly dirty yellow car and told the person the address to Vogue headquarters.

Yeah, that's right. Vogue headquarters.

That's kind of the reason why I'm actually staying in New York City. You see, I tend to move around unless something is actually tying me down to a spot. If I got a job here, that would be my tie.

(And oh how I hoped I would get the job. New York City is absolutely wonderful.)

I was actually extremely lucky to get this interview. The thing is that I have a very successful Tumblr and with over 9820k followers, the editor of Vogue happened to stumble upon my blog.

She had found my email and emailed me about a month ago saying that I had good enough talent to be part of the Vogue team! I was practically screaming when I found out.

Today she wanted to see me for a brief interview before giving me any type of job. My nerves were going absolutely insane and by the time we actually made it to Vogue I felt as if I was going to faint.

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