Chapter Twenty-One

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Renata's POV:

"HITTING EVERY RED LIGHT, KISSING AT THE STOP SIGNS DARLING!" yelled Calum, as I wove the huge car through the slow traffic.

"Aren't you not supposed to be singing your unreleased songs until the album actually gets released?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and looking at Cal through the driver's mirror.

"Who cares, it's just you lot," Calum said rolling his eyes while jumping in his seat. "Who drank the six pack of root beer?" asked Ashton, holding up an empty package from the backseat.

Calum just giggled rather loudly and from the very backseat, Mikey just sighed and said, "Well that explains a lot."

"Thank god I don't have to sit by them," Luke muttered, his eyes hidden behind his black Rayban's. "Same," I said laughing, changing lanes.

"Hey Ash," I called to Ashton, who was currently flipping through one of Charlie's coloring books. "Is Charlie asleep?" I asked, taking a quick glance at the seats behind me.

Ashton peered over at Charlie who was strapped into his car seat and said, "Yup!" I nodded and said, "Good, we don't want a cranky three year old on our hands."

"Speaking of a three year old," Luke said, putting his laced up black converse clad feet on the dashboard, "When exactly does the little one turn four?"

"May 16th," I said. "So you guys will be on the road for his birthday?" asked Ashton, tucking the coloring book back into Charlie's little backpack.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, I think we'll be in Switzerland on his birthday which is super cool."

"What are you gonna do?" ask Luke, "I mean he's turning four and we'll be on the road. He can't exactly have all his friends there."

I sighed and said, "Yeah I know. I mean of course there's Lux and whatnot, but that's not all of his friends."

"True," Luke said, contemplating it a bit, "But he is only turning four and I think he'll be happy with whatever company is there, to be honest."

I sighed again and nodded. Luke flipped on the Bluetooth on the car, and the sounds of Taylor Swift started streaming through the speakers.

"Really?" I said, raising an eyebrow, "Interesting music choice, Hemmings." "Shut up, it's a good album," Luke said shrugging, pulling out his phone and scrolling through whatever he was doing.

Laughing, I nodded and said, "That reminds me, I should probably call up Taylor sometime. I haven't spoken to her in ages." Luke just nodded and soon after, him, Ashton, and Mikey had fallen asleep.

"So I guess it's just you and me, Rena," Calum said laughing, leaning forward and giving me a cheeky grin.

"Unfortunately," I said laughing. "Hey," Calum said pouting, "I'm great company." "Sure, whatever you say," I said smiling.

"So Rena," Calum said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "What," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"How's you and Niall?" asked Calum, grinning widely, "Have you gotten it in yet?" "Calum!" I exclaimed, "You cannot just ask me these questions."

"I just did," Calum said shrugging. "I'm not gonna answer you," I said rolling my eyes. "Fine," Calum said pouting.

There was a bit of silence and I said, "Calum, why don't you rest for a bit. You don't want to be tired when you meet the captain of the Liverpool team."

"True," Calum said yawning, "I mean, I did wake up at like nine today." "Well I woke up at 8:30 today and got a crabby three year old dressed and fed before your alarm even set off."

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