Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I'm not sure when I'll be posting this but uhhhh, hey! Hopefully this will be out sooner than the second chapter.

When Sam got to school the next morning, there wasn't as much chaos as the day before. No one dragged him to his locker, no one yelled at him. It was peaceful. Too peaceful. Sam fully understood the world doesn't revolve around him and that not everyone wants to be around him, but Romeo had been annoying him since they met and it didn't seem like he had been planning on stopping. Sam walked to his English class with about 10 minutes to spare before class. He took his regular seat in the back and pulled up the hood on his deep red hoodie. He pulled out his phone and started to play subway surfers. This is weird, I thought for sure that Romeo would be bothering me. Just then, Sam received a text.


Hey Sam, it's Kayla. I got your number from Romeo, I hope you don't mind.


Oh, hey Kayla. I don't mind.

Sam has Changed Unknown's name to Kayla


Anyways, I wanted to ask if I should bring anything tonight to yours?


Oh, you're good. I've got pretty much everything at my place. Just yourself will work!


Okay, that works! I'll see you later!

P.s. Romeo is very excited


See you!

P.s. thank him for not attempting to kidnap me this morning




Don't worry about it :)

Sam put his phone down after sending his last message, Mr. Dinder had walked in and he didn't want to be scolded.


At lunchtime, Sam went to the courtyard to eat lunch, as per usual. He sat down and as he started to unpack his lunchbox, Kayla approached him.

"Hey Sam, do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked politely.

"Go ahead." He responded, "Don't you have someone else you could sit with though?"

"Not really, All of my other friends are in the other lunch period besides Romeo, but he has to eat  with his math teacher today since he was quote unquote 'being disruptive'" she said.

"'Being disruptive' seems pretty on-brand for him though." Sam replied.

"It is, he has a lot of energy so it makes it easy for him to get in trouble."

Sam nodded at that. It made a lot of sense honestly. Even in the few and brief times he'd met him, Sam noticed that Romeo never really stopped moving.

Sam and Kayla ate lunch together, just chatting about random things; life, music, classes. They learned that a lot of their music taste was the same, and that they were in the same math course but not period. Then, when the lunch bell rang, they parted ways and went to their next classes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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