Chapter 1

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"Sam Wess to room 203, I repeat Sam Wess to room 203."

The announcement boomed over the intercom. Sam didn't like it. Now, everyone would be looking at him. Sam put his hood on and stood up as the teacher continued her lesson on statistics. He grabbed his things and silently walked out of the room. 203? That's in the drama department. What do they want from me there? Sam asked himself as he navigated his way to the drama department and through the doors of an office for a teacher he wasn't aware existed. When he arrived he took a deep breath and walked through the door.

"Hello." A soft and feminine voice sounded from across the room. Sam looked up. "I'm Mrs. Wheeler. You must be wondering why you're here." Sam just stood there with his head down. "It's nothing bad, I promise. Look up." Sam did as she said. Ms. Wheeler appeared to be a short woman standing only at about 5'1. She had short brown hair with purple dyed tips and hazel eyes. She wore overalls and large feather earrings. She looked to be young, probably a first year teacher.

"Yes?" Sam asked her bitterly.

"Do you want to sit down?" Sam nodded and followed her to her desk and sat down at the chair opposite her. "Okay, so, 'ya know how the school puts on a play every year?" Sam nodded, "Well, I want this years to be recorded, that's where you come in. I was talking to the film teachers about who could do it and almost every one of them said that you were the man to go to." She paused for a few seconds.

"Okaaaay?" Sam drawled out.

"Okay, so do want to do it?"

"Do I have to agree now? I just have to film the play. You guys haven't even started casting have you?"

"Actually we already have the cast, and I don't just want you to film it, I want it to be good, so you would have to instruct us on the visuals some. Just, like, where to put things, where to stand, a few of the basics. But we need to have you there from the start so it's not a drastic change in positioning."

"I don't know..." Sam said hesitantly.

"Here, I'll tell you what, we're having rehearsal after school tomorrow, come watch, you can make your decision afterwards."

"Alright" he gave in, "but I'm not promising I'll do it."

Ms Wheeler smiled. "Great! I'll see you there, 2:50 in Auditorium B."


Sam shook his head as he walked away. He was never going to actually do it, that would be insane. Plus, if he did do it, he would have to interact with people, so that was a hard no. Lost in thought, Sam walked mindlessly back to his classroom. Then, all of a sudden, Sam ran into someone. Literally, they were running. Who would be in the hall right now? We're supposed to be in class. Sam crashed to the ground with a heavy object on his chest. When he looked up he saw the heavy object was actually a guy. The dude was tall- probably around 6'2, with curly black hair, and skin as smooth as a glass window. Sam wasn't going to lie, the guy was gorgeous.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there. You are pretty short." It's true, Sam was not a tall fellow- only about 5'10- but still, Sam didn't like how this guy was judging him without even knowing him.

"Look, fucking watch where you're going next time, and don't call me short."

"Oh, jeez, okay, um..... I really sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Or run you over." The guy awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

Sam exhaled, "It's fine. Sorry for blowing up on you like that, today's not going great for me."

"Oh, sorry. I'm Romeo by the way." The guy said before turning to walk away.

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