Chapter 2

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TW// There is homophobia in this chapter so you have been warned. Also, and asshat of a father.

Dedicated to IQPending because they were supportive of the first chapter and are generally great.

Sorry this took so long to get out! I've been kinda swamped with school and life ( First the holidays then I got covid AND another illness after that) and stuff so updates may be infrequent but I'll try to get them out quickly!

The next day when Sam got to school he was immediately grabbed by a group of people, not knowing what was waiting for him. The people dragged him to a locker in the middle of the hallway, standing at said locker was none other than Romeo.

"What the fuck man?!" Sam yelled at Romeo.

"Sorry bro, BUT, you said I needed a reason to get your number and I am quite the determined fellow. So.... I asked around about you and I found out that you're filming the play for the school this year."

"Um actually I-"

"AND," Romeo continued on, "I, Romeo Taylor, am playing none other than THE Romeo Montague. So, with that we will most likely have to work together for filming and planning scenes and therefore I will need your number, good sir." Romeo finished in one breath.

Sam considered his word before replying, "Wow, first off, you are quite creepy. Also, I am not in-fact filming the play, I have been given the option to do so and must decide today, though given this new information that you will be in it, I am almost 100% sure the answer will be a no, which means that I still have no reason to give you my number."

Romeo frowned at this. "Please, at least consider it, I'm not going to stop until I get your number, not doing the play wont stop me."

Sam huffed. "What do you want from me? I don't even know you, you're being a total creep. Please," Sam pleaded, "just leave me alone."

Romeo nodded, acknowledging the seriousness in Sam's voice. "I'll leave you alone I suppose, although honestly, you intrigue me. I'm fairly sure you must have noticed by now, but you are quite the character."

"Please just leave me alone." Sam said, shakily. He was feeling quite overwhelmed in this setting. "And tell your friends to get away from me. I don't want you, or them to be near me, nonetheless touching me."

"Point taken. My apologies, I'll leave you alone," With that, Romeo turned to walk away. "but please, consider filming for us. I was told that were the only one good enough to do it."

Like hell, Sam thought. Theres no WAY I'll be around that douchebag if I can help it.

Sam looked at the time, 7:13, fuck. He started quickly walking to class, praying he wouldn't be late. He arrived in the class right before the late bell rang. Thank fuck. 

"Mr. Wess, cutting it quite close, aren't we?" His teacher, Mr. Dinder asked, "Oh, sorry, I got caught up this morning." Mr. Dinder nodded. "Alright then class, today we'll be working on the lesson from...."

Sam zoned out during class, it was english so he didn't have much to worry about there. God, that Romeo kid was annoying. It's like he never shuts up. He was kinda cute though. No, Sam stop, we don't catch feelings here. The bell interrupted his train of thought.

"Alright class, homework is to read the next 3 chapters and write down your first thoughts. Nothing too bad, the chapters aren't too long. Have a good day."

Sam walked out of the classroom to head to the library. Sam had his second period free, he usually went to the library to read, or just get some peace and quiet. Today that did not seem to be in the cards, seeing as there was a particularly loud person there to disrupt his peace and quiet.

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