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                         IT WAS THE MOST EXHILIRATING thing that Daisy had ever experienced

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                         IT WAS THE MOST EXHILIRATING thing that Daisy had ever experienced. Full of bright colors and magical, wondrous people who weren't consistently on their phones, unlike her multitudes of muggle friends back home in Boston, Massachusetts. None of them knew the truth though, the simple truth that Daisy Steward was no ordinary girl, but rather a witch. A very powerful witch from a long line of Pureblood magical individuals. At least that's what her Grandmother used to say all the time before she passed. Daisy grinned as she walked from the pub and into a hub of magical people and energy, in awe at the situation at hand. Diagon Alley.

Best. Vacation. Ever. 

Her mother Rionach and twin brother Lucan, both what the magical world would call Squibs, were out taking in the muggle sights, not too interested in the goings-on of the magical world unless it directly involved them, but happy for Daisy's elation nevertheless. She could go to Obscurus Books and take home a pile of them to take them to Ilvermorny when term starts to show them off, or head to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to get something to prank Lucan or her mother with. She didn't know where on Earth to start, really, but she supposed that the biggest, brightest joke shop in the center was the best place.

It was even more incredible as she walked in, a small squeal of glee leaving the redhead's lips. garnering her looks of apprehension and confusion as she began to look around with a skip in her step. Canary Creams, Screaming Yo-Yos, Skiving Snackboxes, even Feathery Flamingo Flame Fuzzers! What even were Feathery Flamingo Flame Fuzzers?! In all the excitement, a trod up the stairs to the second layer of the shop caused her to smack right into someone, a girl her age, no less. "Oh-!" Daisy exclaimed, the other girl catching her hand to keep Daisy upright just at the last moment.

"I'm so sorry!" They spoke in unison, a heavy blush creeping up their pale cheeks.

"Way to go, Rose," The voice of another redhead, a boy, chortled from behind them on the top step. Daisy rolled her eyes and got steady onto her feet.

"Are you okay?" Daisy asked the girl. The girl, Rose, nodded.

"And you?" Daisy nodded in reply, "I'm Rose Granger-Weasley. That," She elbowed the boy behind her, "Is my little bother, Hugo."

"Hey!" Hugo said in defiance, causing Daisy to laugh.

"Daisy. Daisy Steward." She introduced herself, shaking Rose's hand.

"Are you an American?" Hugo asked curiously.

"Absolutely." Daisy said with a grin. "I take it you guys go to Hogwarts?" She asked. The pair nodded, "I go to Ilvermorny School. Have for all four years."

"Oh, you're going into your Fifth year? I am too!" Rose remarked with a smile. "Me and my cousins Albus, Roxanne, and Fred."

Daisy laughed, "Wow," She said, "Lots of cousins." Rose nodded in response.

"You don't know the half of it." Rose said with a laugh.

"Let's go somewhere where we're not blocking everyone's paths, yeah?" Hugo suggested, and the two others nodded, excitement filling Daisy Steward. Friends from the UK? Awesome.

They would go to a place called Rosa Lee Teabag, by the request of Rose, and Daisy, who had never had a proper cup of tea ever, happily accepted. She was pleasantly surprised at how fulfilling a cup of tea could be with new friends could be. In the moment, it was better than coffee, though she made a mental note to grab a cup later on. They were joined by Rose and Hugo's cousins soon enough; Roxanne and Fred, the twins, and James, Lily, and Albus namely. Rose and friends were like open books, and Daisy only hoped to reciprocate. "Whose this then?" A boy, pointed out as James by Rose asked, looking at Daisy with a smirk. 

"Daisy. Daisy Steward. Nice to meet you!" She said, hand outstretched for a handshake which James gladly accepted.

"American, yeah?" The boy known as Albus asked.

"Obviously," Lily stated with a laugh. Daisy couldn't help but laugh along with her, the redhead's laughter truly infectious. It was right then that two older people, presumably James, Albus, and Lily's parents given the uncanny resemblance.

"I told you they'd be trouble today," The woman muttered to her husband, their hands intertwined. "Look at you lot, gone and kidnapped a poor girl on what I presume is her vacation." 

After a quick whisper from Rose confirming that these were indeed her Aunt Ginny and Uncle Harry, Daisy responded, "Yeah, I'm from Boston. Visiting." She said with a grin. "Mom has fond memories of London, and my brother, my twin, actually, we've never been. The Muggle sights have been fascinating, but the magical ones have blown my mind, more so than when I got to meet this famous Magizoologist that Mom was a fan of." She could feel a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Sorry, I, erm.. I talk a lot."

Harry laughed, shaking his head, "It's not a problem. Lily's mind here runs a mile a minute and her mouth just can't keep up sometimes." With an embarrassed, "Dad!" from Lily, Harry continued, "What was your name again, dear?" He asked.

"Daisy Steward." She shook Harry's hand, then Ginny's. "It's a pleasure to meet you, but," She looked down at her watch. Half past two already? "I have to get going," She looked to Rose, "You better write to me. I would love a Pen Pal." She stated with a smile. But as Daisy bid everyone fair well, something happened. A loud crash was heard from the other side of the Leaky Cauldron, and Daisy stood. "What was that?" She asked.

"Sounded like a crash."

Daisy left her bag and all her belongings, a nasty and dark feeling settling in the pit of her stomach, "My mom is supposed to be here with Lucan, to pick me up." Without another word, she was off, tearing through the pavement of Diagon Alley and entering the pub and inn, the adults that she had just met instructing the children to stay put while they chased after her.

"Daisy! Daisy, wait!" She heard from behind her as she skidded to a stop in front of the Leaky Cauldron's entrance. The Potters stopped behind her, Ginny placing a hand on Daisy's shoulder as they watched the scene unfold in front of them. A Muggle ambulance and other emergency services arrived on the scene of a nasty accident, one such service using the jaws of life to wrench open the car, revealing... "Mom! Lucan!" Daisy screamed, hands coming up to cover her mouth as she went to dart forward. The Potters attempted to hold her back, but it was to no avail as the small young woman wriggling out of their grasp, only to be held back by the Muggle law enforcement.

"Mom! Lucan!" She screamed, "No, no, let me go! It's my mother, my brother! Mom! Lucan!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2021 ⏰

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