teen posts- (mostly from pinterest)

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teen posts- (mostly from pinterest)

I've always wanted to turn around in a big chair and say "I've been expecting you……"

Mom: why is everything on the floor?
Me: gravity, mom.

That awkward moment when your parents don't appreciate the hilarious child they've been blessed with

When someone says "I like that shirt" I look down to see what I'm wearing

Sleepover Fact: the later it is, the more truth comes out.

Person: I like your name
Me; thanks, I got it for my birthday 

If you think that I won't listen to the same song 400 times in a row, you are wrong. 

 I sometimes wonder if anyone is secretly in love with me.

*puts my music on shuffle then skips your the song I wanted*

Ah yes, I've just thought of the perfect sassy answer to that horrible thing someone told me 4 years ago.

When something funny happens I can guarantee you that I'm that friend who keeps laughing even though everyone else stopped 10 minutes ago.

That awkward moment when I'm supposed to be silent but I remember something funny and i burst into laughter

I wonder if I've met the person I'm going to marry. 

When I see you, I am happy, I love you not for what you look like, but for what you have inside. -Me to my fridge

Being so close to someone that y'all insult each other all the time and never get offended. 

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