1) Learning about Royal Manners

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I wake up feeling a soft blanket over me. I don't remember having one. Then, I realize that I'm at my grandma's. I don't even know when I fell asleep. I was reading a book about the wonders of the universe and then I turned off the light because I felt my eyes tired, and while I was remembering the holidays spent with my parents I must have fallen asleep. I had a really good sleep. I don't even know when was the last time I slept this well.

After I brush my teeth, wash my face and change into some comfortable clothes, I go downstairs. My grandma is having a cup of coffee. "Good morning, grandma."

"Oh. Good morning my lovely granddaughter. How was your sleep in the new bed?"

"Good. It was so comfortable that I think I fell asleep soon after I closed my eyes."

"That is good to hear. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Do you have some cereals?"

"Yes. Kale!"

"Yes madam."

"Bring Eileen a bowl of warm milk and some cereals please."

"Yes, just a moment." he says.

After a minute, he comes back with the milk in a beautiful bowl and a box of honey cereals. "Thank you." I say to him.

"No problem." he says, smiling.

"After you eat, I need to teach you some things."

"Oh okay." I was so curious to see what she will teach me, that I quickly ate the cereals with the now sweet milk.


"As you will go meet the Royal family, you have to know some manners. First, even if you are amazed by the castle and by the things that are there, please do not open your mouth large in awe. When we arrive, we will be introduced by a man there that will shout our name. After the Queen says to come in, he will open the door and we will enter. When we are in front of them, we will make a small bow and then I will start talking to her. The former Queen will also be there, the Prince's grandmother. After a while, you and the Prince will be allowed to leave and go in another room to get to know each other better. He is a bit shy, so don't be amazed when he doesn't talk much. Understood? " my grandma asks.

"Yes." I say, trying to remember all the manners I learn and then apply them tomorrow.

"Okay. At lunch time we will all go to the dining room to eat. You will sit only after the Queen sits, you can't eat until she does and you can't eat after she finished and put down the fork. If there are more forks and spoons as there will be a lot of different foods, you eat with the furthest one. But you can also look at the Queen and do as she does." my grandmother tells me.

"I see." I say.

"When you sit, you also have to sit nicely, the knees should be together, not one over the other. You should also slant your legs. This way, they will also appear longer. Here, let me show you. So the Queen sits, then you slowly sit down, slant your legs and bring your knees together. You can also search and see that it was Princess Diana's posture. When the tea will be served, you should also hold the tea correctly. Kale. Can I have two teacups and the saucers as well?"

Two minutes later, Kale comes with the teacups and also a tea pot.

"This is some chamomile tea." Kale says.

"Oh, okay. Thank you. So, Eileen, you take the handle with your thumb and index finger, while the middle one supports the bottom. With the other hand, you should hold the saucer. And no pinky up. You should try to sip from the same spot as well so the lipstick doesn't stain all the cup. "

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