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Daiyu quickly concluded that her luck, or lack thereof, had carried on into this life as well. Because how else could she explain the cultivator who stood in front of her, his expression the definition of disapproval, as if she were a mere house cat who had knocked over an expensive vase. Half expecting him to pick her up by the scruff of her neck like the aforementioned house cat (he looked quite capable of doing so), Daiyu stiffened and took a small step backward. 

Having never been physically strong in her previous life, she had relied mostly on her speed and expertise in talismans. Not that her swordplay was anything to scoff at, mind you. 

Daiyu simply preferred to avoid drawing her sword unless she was absolutely sure she would have to kill her target. Seeing as she didn't have a sword nor any paper for talismans, fighting was not an option. At least not a sane one anyway.

So with nothing but her wits and her rapidly fraying nerves, Daiyu prepared to run. Whenever or not she could actually outrun the white-clad cultivator was a different story altogether. He was taller than her for sure and consequently, his strides would be longer, and thus, if she made one wrong move, he'd catch her before she even made it out of the clearing. The sword he was holding was also an issue. Upon first glance, he appeared to be an upstanding gentleman and therefore unlikely to stab her in the back if she made a run for it. However, Daiyu had been wrong in her judgment of people before and it had cost her everything. She didn't intend to cut her second life short by making a rash decision. 

The cultivator seemed equally invested in studying her in turn and Daiyu felt her skin prickle under his intent gaze. 

She had never liked being looked at, no matter the circumstances. 

The man seemed to be contemplating something and if Daiyu had retained any of her observation skills in this new life, it would appear he was having some sort of inner conflict. 


Keen to test a theory that was forming in her mind, Daiyu took a small step back, raising her dirt-stained hands in a placating gesture. While she wasn't accustomed to playing the helpless, harmless woman act, it would appear now such an act might be necessary. The cultivator watched here, his intense gaze never wavering. Yet, oddly enough, he made no move to stop her from retreating. Would he really just let her go? 

Daiyu narrowed her eyes in suspicion. 

"It's strange, don't you agree, Master Lan?" 

Her voice sounded just the same as she remembered it sounding, if not a bit hoarse. The cultivator didn't so much as acknowledge she had spoken so Daiyu was slightly surprised when he answered, his tone equally as cool as his expression. 

"What is?"

Undaunted, Daiyu allowed a sliver of her old personality to appear. The smug, overconfident one that had, more or less, gotten her killed previously. She grinned, ignoring the stinging feeling the action caused on her chapped lips. 

"Why it's strange you haven't attacked me yet. Aren't you meant to be a pillar of justice, striking down evildoers and saving the innocent?"

The man didn't seem particularly impressed by her words so Daiyu quickly changed tactics. Perhaps it was unwise to goad a man who had a sword pointed in her direction, but Daiyu couldn't help but feel ill at ease about the man. She couldn't read him. At least not easily, that is. And this made her suspicious. Both of himself and his motives. 

"You're not." The man stated simply after a few beats of silence in which he, much to Daiyus shock, sheathed his sword and fixed her with an infuriatingly calm look.

"Pardon?" Daiyu asked. 

The man squared his shoulders, looking, if physically possible, even taller than before. 

"Xiǎojiě is no evildoer."

Daiyu blinked owlishly, looking at the man's expressionless face, then to his sword at his side and then back again. A snicker escaped her lips and Daiyu quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. Never a good idea to laugh in the face of the man who appeared to be sparing your life. 

"And how would you know that, Young Master? I am but a mere stranger. How could you ever hope to make an accurate analysis of my character from one meeting? Why I could have just slaughtered an entire village and you would be none the wiser." 

The cultivator looked unimpressed. 

"No blood." He replied simply, sounding bored. 

Daiyu resisted the urge to place her hands on her hips in exasperation. So, this cultivator was convinced she was harmless. The idea didn't bother her as much as it normally would. She could work with this. Play the part of a harmless, lost girl. At least until she figured out what was going on. 

"Fine. I'll admit it. I'm not a mass-murderer hellbent on reveling in chaos. Mind you, that doesn't make me a good person per se. For example, I could be scheming to steal your money pouch as we speak. How abhorrent that would be of me." 

For the first time since their meeting, the man's face settled into something that might be called an expression. Something oddly kind. Sincere even. 

"If the worst thing you can think to do to someone is to steal from them, then clearly you are a person to be admired."

Daiyu paused, both flattered and perplexed by his words. She had been called many things in her life. Admirable was never one of them. Feeling oddly comfortable with the man who was still a stranger to her, Daiyu offered a brief informal but sincere bow. 

"Would it be bold of me to ask for your name, Master Lan? Admittedly, your robes and headband are effortlessly identifiable but I find myself at a loss as to who you might be as an individual. Might you indulge me, a humble stranger?" Daiyu tried for her best friendly smile and hoped it didn't look as strained as it felt.

The man returned her greeting, his actions the definition of proper. 

"I am Lan Wangji of Gusu Lan."

Daiyu felt her smile slip from her lips and her heart all but fall to her feet.


And predictably, that's when the screaming started.

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