Two against all...

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A beautiful thing happens when two hearts reunite in love, in life, and in the hope that they would go through life together as one. Against the odds. Against the naysayers wishing them the worst. Against the fear in their hearts no longer as big as they thought before...

Can sat across from Sanem as they enjoyed their breakfast, and felt as in love as he did the first time he admitted it to Sanem. His feelings for her have grown and matured. At first he was intrigued by the newly hired employee that Sanem was to him. He quickly grew to become baffled by her, then compelled, then... inspired by the way she could bounce back from setbacks that, well, she caused herself. But through all of it he realized that once he fell in love with her, there was no turning back. Though Sanem assured him of her feelings, and then broke his trust time and again, one thing was certain. He loved her. More than he knew. And more than he imagined.

Even when he told her to walk away, that ill-fated evening when his words that she was just like everyone else to him crushed their love, it did not end his feelings for her. How could it? Once Sanem's love opened his heart, it filled it with the kind of love he yearned for. She did not bestow upon him the kind of love he wanted. She bestowed upon him the kind of love he needed. He was used to a partnership kind of relationships. The give-take sort. But Sanem's love? She barged into his life and gave all that she was and all who she was to him. Not once did she demand gifts, favors, or advances he had been used to. She just gave. And she did so with her whole heart, mind, and soul.

As they enjoyed breakfast, Can could not help but smile. Sanem was back. And he vowed to keep it that way at all cost. Even with her unpredictable antics, and one-of-a-kind family. The moment he thought of that, Sanem sighed and told him she would love nothing more than to stay at the mountain cabin with him, but her mother would never allow it. Not only would Mevkibe not allow her to stay at the cabin, Sanem was convinced that Mevkibe would find her way there, and they would be in trouble. Can shook his head. They would not be in trouble at all. As a matter of fact, he would welcome Mevkibe with open arms, especially if she came with Dolma.

Sanem grinned. Men definitely thought with their stomachs. But... Food aside, how would they explain to Mevkibe that they reconciled? Can shook his head. That was not a problem to him. He would not fear Mevkibe if she asked them that question. He knew Mevkibe, and was convinced that if he told her that he loved Sanem more than anything in the world, she would welcome him back with open arms.

Sanem nodded. Mevkibe would have definitely welcomed Can back with open arms. Nonetheless, they decided to head back to the agency. The dilemma they faced now was whether they should change clothes, or head back in clothes they arrived in. Can did not have any doubt about it and suggested for them to change. Sanem nodded. But then, immediately corrected herself. She thought of Mevkibe and her truth-demanding stare. If they changed clothes, and Mevkibe would become aware that they spent the night at the cabin, then she would wonder how they were able to change clothes. That shook Can because he not only feared Mevkibe, but he respected her as well.

With the issue of apparel resolved, Can drove back home, content and confident because Sanem chose him and chose to come back to him. He missed her. He missed everything about her. He also missed the enigmatic taste of her irresistibly delicious and potent çay. He was so looking forward to the way Sanem brewed her çay, that he began to daydream about it. Vocally. Much to Sanem's bashful heart.

Sanem smiled, giggled, and then grew baffled as Can explained that the çay glasses at the agency, which missed Sanem's beautiful and skilled hands, would once again sing in awe of her unmatched çay brewing skills. Sanem turned her head to him and asked Can what he mean by that. Can smiled in his charming Divit way, and replied that she would get a chance to brew her famous çay for him again because she was returning to Fikri Harika. Sanem smiled, blinked, and advised him she was not returning. She was staying at Yigit's agency, and that her days at Fikri Harika belonged to the past.

Can's neck snapped so fast while turning to look at Sanem that she feared he may have hurt himself. She did not even suspect that a man's neck could move so fast. She loved him. More than she loved herself. But she realized that she needed to make something out of herself, for herself. She also realized that the great and confident Can Divit was... jealous of her. Though he tried to deny it by saying that Yigit was a nobody, Can's eyes revealed his feelings about her current employer. She asked Can to calm down, after all, Yigit was just her employer, nothing more.

Can responded by saying that he was calm. In fact, he was so calm that he pulled over to the side of the road. Sure, Yigit was her boss. He was as poor excuse of a boss in Can's eyes as possible. Can vented to her and advised her that everyone wanted to call themselves a boss these days. Sanem asked him bluntly why he was so jealous of Yigit. Can snapped his neck looking at her again. He was not jealous of Yigit one bit. In actuality, he was so fond of Yigit that he would even present him with a gift - a box he would have stuffed Yigit in and send him off to Madagascar so that the weasel would never return to their lives.

Sanem sighed. Ahh, Can, ahh. She asked him once more to calm down. If he could do so, they could talk things through. Talking helped, because then they would not misunderstand one another, and they could come up with a solution together. Can nodded. He learned from their past mistakes. He advised her he would calm down. He would listen to her. He would make an effort to hear her out. Hearing those words meant so much to Sanem. Though they have hurt each other in the past, they also grew from within. She had learned to stand up for herself and for her goals. To speak her mind. To care about others but also about herself. And Can? He opened up. He learned to forgive. And he also learned to hear her out before passing judgement or demanding for her to do as he requested.

Sanem turned to him and spoke about the good sides of her continuing to work at Yigit's agency. Not working side by side would give them a chance to concentrate on their work. It would also be good for them. It would allow them to miss each other. Can chuckled. That was the last thing he wanted to do right now. To miss her. If he wanted to miss her, he would have gone to the Balkans. He wasn't even sure now why he didn't just leave for the Balkans in the first place.

Sanem grinned. She knew why he did not leave. And she knew that he knew. She caressed his bearded cheek and whispered that he was in love with her and his heart could not leave her behind. Can nodded. He was, indeed, in love with her. He was more in love with her than she knew, and more than he understood it himself. Though, he could not comprehend why she would treat the man that was in love with her in such a way.

As Can took off and drove toward Istanbul, they held hands and thanked their lucky stars that the leap of faith they took led them where they both hoped it would. Back to each other. Back to where they belonged because they loved each other. They also understood that as fulfilling and gratifying it felt to hold each other again, they would have to face reality around them and those who wished them the worse. But they vowed to do it. Because now it would be the two of them, together, agaist all...

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