Old habbits die hard...

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Old habbits die hard. So they say. One would argue that there is much truth to this age old statement. But as much as it is true, it begs a question: why? Why is it so hard to break an old habbit? Is it because of the comfort in knowing what comes next? Is it a learned trait that has been mastered to the point of perfection? Or could it be the fear of uncertainty once one lets go of control and allows Fate to lead the way?

Sanem stood in her usual spot by the cabinets behind her desk, and looked toward Can's office. At him. He was so close, yet seemed a distance too far away from her to be able to reach out to him. To reach him. She watched Can as he spoke with Polen and her mind barely registered reality. She heard whispers of the know-it-alls and could barely concentrate. She heard the gossip of everyone around her. Their voices saying out loud what hear heart feared. Can left her. Can chose Polen. Can left her for Polen. Who was she compared to Polen? Her soul of a dreamer felt that love was sliping away from her. But it was her heart of a romantic that couldn't find solace.

Looking at Can now seemed like their love was a fairy tale too beautiful to believe that it ever existed. And yet, she yearned for him. For his embraces, his kisses, his words spoken in a voice he only reserved for her. She made mistakes, she would not hide that fact, but she hoped with every cell of her body and every beat of her heart that somehow she would find a way back to that place of refuge, to that only place on earth she ever felt safe and content, to his embrace when he held her close while she rested her head and listened to the beat of his heart. If only she could find a way back to that place. If only. Keşke...

Can could not concentrate. He could not wait for the moment Polen left. He broke up with her and left their relationship to the past. And wanted to keep it there. He also painfully realized that he would have to put his relationship with Sanem in the past as well. But he was thorn. He was thorn on the inside like never before. Never. His broken and defeated heart cried within his chest because he felt betrayed by Sanem. She broke his trust. She broke a promise to him not only because she lied to him, but because she surrendered her scent to Fabri. Whatever the reason for it, Can's mind only knew that she did it. Until that moment he still did not know the exact details of their deal. He still did not know the full details of what Sanem got back in exchange for her scent. But did that matter? No, it did not. Not to Can, and at least not now. Because, he could not listen to her words of explanation. Her voice cut his heart into more and more pieces when he heard her speak. That same voice which whispered of love, longing, and trust not so long ago now seemed like the worst possible punishment.

And yet... his soul screamed within him to rush back toward Sanem and take her back into his arms. He sighed, sitting in his office. How could he not feel Sanem in his soul since she became a part of it? How could he not long for her embrace when he found refuge in her delicate and caring arms? How could he not yearn for her kisses when he found a fountain of love and life in them? Ahh, Sanem, ahh. He sighed again. If only there was a way to bring back his trust in her. If only there was a way to bring that indestructible love back. If only. Keşke...

His restlessness was interrupted by Emre. His brother came to offer him news. Good news at that. Emre spoke with their lawyer and as it turned out, Aylin was more than eager to surrender her Fikri Harika shares - which were now useless to her, in exchange for her freedom. That truly did turn out to be good news. They would finally rid of Aylin, once and for all. She would be set free, but they would be free of her. And that mattered the most.

Now, for the next order of business, Can advised Emre that he was surrendering the executive power of attorney for the agency to Emre. Can knew what that meant. Emre did too. By doing so Emre would obtain executive powers over the agency. That was, after all, everything he had ever wished for. And yet, it did not mean a thing to Emre at the moment because his brother was suffering. Even if Emre downplayed this notion, Can watched his brother and felt his heart grow. Old habbits died hard, Can thought, yet the Emre he saw was the brother he ever hoped Emre to become. Caring, loving, and sincere. Emre truly did grow in the recent months and grew into the man Can saw in him.

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