The Drop

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"Wake up Denson, time to prepare." A voice buzzed through a speaker.  

Karl Denson opens his eyes slowly, he felt his body shaking. His vision adjusted, coming in blurry at first. He made out gray surroundings, hooks and cables hung from the ceiling and walls. Then his memory came rushing back.  

He was in a transport plane, on its way to Maryland. He was secured in his harness as he struggled to move.  

"Getting anxious commander?" A voice asked from across him.  

Karl looked up to see a soldier strapped in as well. He knew from the deep and teasing voice that it was Private Jim Clemmings that spoke.  

The young tough private gazed through his dark goggles, smiling at Karl.  

"Not at all Clemmings, just making sure I wasn't back home in bed." Karl reassured him with a chuckle.  

Jim nodded, relaxing his head back as he ran through the process of checking his gear. Jim was a twenty five year old guy from Dallas, Texas. He was the newest addition to the team, fulfilling the role of support. The man had his light machine gun locked beside him, waiting to be taken when needed. He delighted in laying down heavy fire power when given the order. He also specialized in explosives, a regular cow boy.  

Karl blinked his eyes again as he woke up, 

"Pilot, got an estimated time of arrival?"  

A voice clicked on in the cabin, emitting a static outburst. 

"ETA is ten minutes," The calm voice told him.  

Karl acknowledged the voice with a roger and began to look himself up and down.  

Despite being forty, Karl Denson was still energetic and wise as always. He thought of his wife back at home, Carla Denson. The son they had, Brian Denson, had just turned eight. He missed them both, he was eager to finish this last mission.  

With that, Denson examined himself.  

He was decked out in complete black, geared for stealth. He wore tough shin guards, flexible yet hard enough to absorb strong impacts. His combat boots were tight around his feet, ensuring he would have a sure foot hold wherever they fell. His breast plate covered his chest well, though it did limit his maneuverability, it did save his life. On his right arm was a control pad, as of right now, dormant. Karl knew once they made land fall, he would activate the device. The device was built into the suit he wore, it allowed him to watch his team and his own vitals. It also allowed control of the defensive and offensive systems the suit held. On the opposite arm, was a similar device but instead of a tracker. It was more of a weapon. At the press of a button, a small slot at the front of the device would light up. Within seconds, it emits energy in the form of a blade. This acts as a melee weapon for the L.I.G.H.T. Force, it was capable of slicing through armor and flesh like butter, though it had a short range. Karl enjoyed using the weapon when he could, plus it doubled as a bug zapper. The next thing Karl examined was his weapon of choice, his trusty assault rifle. It was a Harrison GX58, a light assault rifle that held a thirty clip magazine. Able to take down most enemies with a few well placed shots, along the rail was a 4x optical scope. He loaded and checked the weapon again, ensuring the safety was on. For now. Karl's side arm was a heavy duty magnum, designed to take down foes easily at a close range. He examined the smooth silver surface of the gun, running his gloved fingers over the deadly weapon. He nodded to himself and slid the weapon into it's holster.  

"Ready to go sir?" A voice asked.  

Karl glanced over at another soldier beside him, it was Jack Greer. Jack wore a black balaclava over his head, the only hole exposing his eyes. His dark brown eyes stared at his commanding officer.  

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