The Count Down

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Part 4: The Countdown 

Dolcor growled in his dark chamber, his flaming red eyes peering through the portal to reality.  

"Damn it Jarron. You bloody ignorant man." The demonic creature whispered to himself 

You're supposed to kill the enemy first. Before you play your hand. He thought as he flexed his claws impatiently. 

Dolcor was an angelic beast, or at least, a parody of one. He bore a crown of thorns, coated in blood and draped in torn flesh. He had a humanoid shape, unlike his servants, his face had the same appearance as one instead. Beneath the frown he wore, was a mouth full of fangs. His burning red eyes ignited with excitement as he thought. 

Looks like I'll have to step in. All I need is a blood sacrifice. 

But how? 

He flexed his back wings as he made connections in his mind. The feathered yet black wings unfolded and he groaned in irritation.  

Well he was a good puppet. But like all toys. They break. 

Dolcor enjoyed that thought, yes he did. He licked his lips with his forked tongue as he waited for the inevitable blood shed.

"Greer, when we get to the control panel, take care of the countdown. Sanders and I will stop Jarron." Denson explained as the three L.I.G.H.T. members sprinted towards the small platform on the side of the chamber.  

Alex Jarron stood stop the platform, cackling as he gazed at his weapons of destruction. The squad just felt more anger build within them as the man arrogantly taunted them. 

"Oh poor Porter! Cut down in his prime." He called out. "Oh Denson, look what you've achieved. Two members dead and the world hanging in the balance. What a situation indeed!" the crazed man laughed again to himself. 

"Please shut that guy up." Greer breathed out as they reached the stairs.  

"With pleasure," Sanders replied as he followed Denson up the platform. 

Jarron taunted yet again, he felt confidant behind his shield. Yet as Denson got closer to the man, ready to confront him. A voice called into his head, 

"Take the shot." it said. 

"Wha-" Denson gasped out as he stopped.  

"Something wrong sir?" Sanders asked as he watched his commander carefully. 

Denson shook his head, clearing his mind. 

"No, I'm fine. Lets get this guy." He reassured his squad mate. 

Sanders nodded and watched Greer approach the command console, he looked back and gave Sanders and Denson a thumbs up. Assuring them that he would work on deactivating the missiles. The pair of soldiers nodded in return and addressed Jarron. 

"Jarron. It's over." Denson declared, remembering the previous skirmish with bitterness. 

Jarron turned and faced them, his blonde hair slick with sweat.  

"You have no clue with what Dolcor plans. Killing me won't help your pathetic world." He shot back with a smile. 

"No Jarron, if we kill you. It all ends, your little cult charade ends here."  

"Take the shot," the voice said again in his mind.  

Denson blinked a few times, slightly confused. Jarron hardly noticed, 

"If I die, I will rise again. Dolcor chose me as the leader and would not let me be tossed aside so easily."  

Sanders was beginning to lose patience. 

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