The Pursuit

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"Halgore tried to slow the humans. To no avail however." One of the followers reported to Alex Jarron. 

"Did the fool underestimate our foe?" Jarron growled 

"It would appear so, master."  

"Cocky bastard of a servant."  

"He is currently retreating, probably to create a trap for the intruders." The servant added 

Jarron hummed with intrigue, 

"Perhaps the idiot can redeem himself." He murmured as he rubbed his chin with thought.  

His dark green eyes closed as he thought. 

"Nemesis, assist our dear Halgore, please."  

The being that possessed Mike Loral, Nemesis,trotted over with a growl. The dog like demonic being, stood at least 6 feet tall and had enough muscle to take down a loaded truck. Nemesis was considered a holy being in the eyes of the cult. Also he was seen as the right hand of Dolcor.  

The monster's head looked like a boar's. Thick tusks coated with war paint and blood, black eyes and a prickly body. Nemesis looked up at Jarron for a second, taking in the man's order and nodding it's head up and down. It trotted out into the hall way, followed by several red robed men to serve as guards.

"Come along and find me mortals, you pathetic fools!" The cruel voice taunted as Echo squad made their way down the dimly lit hall way.  

"Can anyone make this asshole, shut up?" Clemmings asked to no one in particular as they cleared another corner. 

"When we find him Clemmings, I'll let you put a bullet down the bastards throat." Denson promised with a smile.  

Clemmings chuckled at the thought of shoving his machine gun against the beast and unloading a whole clip into him.  

The squad marched on, only to be stopped by a pair of creatures. 

These two were just as disturbing as the last ten they had killed. Their heads were twisted at odd angles and their limbs seem to hover with malice intent. The jaws on their chests were always open, saliva spilling from their mouth. They roared and hissed as they charged at the men. 

"Take them down!" Denson cried out as he discharged a trio of rounds at one of the creatures.  

It squealed as the bullets slid through it's rough but weak skin. One of the creatures tried to grab onto Porter, but the man jumped back and slashed at the creature with his energy blade. A fountain of gore spilled from the monster's chest as it stumbled back. Porter then aimed his pistol and fired a single shot, delivering it through the ugly servant's head. The second creature was still bleeding from Denson's attack, but it moved onward. It slammed it's large hands into the metal floor of the facility, missing Sanders by a few inches. Sanders fell back and aimed his shot gun at the recovering creature. The big mouthed creature screamed in pain as it fell, Clemmings fired a few rounds into it until it stopped twitching.  

"Damn bastards get more weird every time." Clemmings murmured as he glared down at the corpse.  

Sanders got up and checked his weapon, before coming over to examine the creature as well. Clemmings was about to kick it when a hand reached out from the floor beneath him. It grabbed his ankle and pulled it back, causing the man to fall face forward.  


Clemmings and his equipment hit the floor hard as the soldier muffled a curse. The arm disappeared as the rest of the squad trained their weapons and looked around. 

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