The Confrontation

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The team of five soldiers went deeper into the facility, luckily they were still in contact with head quarters. 

"HQ, where are we exactly in the structure?" Denson asked as he examined a sphere like device in the corner of the small room. 

"It would appear that you and your squad are in some sort of power room." The voice in his head set crackled out. 

"Roger HQ, how close are we to the control room?"  

"You're close, probably at least three hundred meters ahead of you."  

"Any idea on what we'll encounter?"  

There was a pause as HQ processed the map data. Greer hummed a little tune and Porter told the guy to be quiet. 

"Echo, the only thing standing between you and the control room, is a large hangar like structure." 

Denson was confused, 

"HQ, you do realize we're underground, correct?" Denson told them. 

"Yes Echo, we know. The hangar structure opens toward the surface, but we don't know what it could be housing." 

"Roger HQ, we'll approach this one with caution."  

"Roger Echo, good luck."  

Denson closed the channel and looked at his squad, they all silently nodded. The lit room was an odd one, large containers and the odd spheres decorated the room. The cracked white marble floor beneath them was old, probably at least a two decades worth of age. The door that laid in front of them, from what HQ had told them, led to the hangar like structure. Denson ordered his squad to secure the large metal double doors. Clemmings already knew to breach, slapping a C4 charge in the middle of the door. Soon enough, it detonated. 

The explosion echoed through the next chamber and Echo squad began to clear the next room.  

"Contacts, contacts!" Sanders exclaimed as his flash light settled over the figures.  

More red robed men, armed with assault rifles and black soulless eyes. The squad opened fire, taking several of them down.  

Meanwhile, Denson looked around the large room, there was no light to be seen. The room they entered seemed endless, their flashlights could barely pierce the darkness that surrounded them. After they had dispatched the wild zealots, there was a roar. The lights far above them flickered on, and the room was revealed.  

Gasps escaped from the men as they saw the ceiling of the room, now they knew why it was a hangar like structure. Two large missiles were lined on opposite sides of the chamber. Above each missile was a large opening, probably leading to a missile silo. They were fully constructed, the tips of the missiles glistening in the light. 

"My god...." Clemmings uttered as he took it all in. 

A loud cough echoed through the chamber and the squad turned, weapons aimed.  

"Enjoying the view?" A tall red robed man asked as he stood at the far back of the room.  

This man stood on a plat form, guarded by a few zealots and a large dark creature. The creature seemed to look like a dog or wolverine. The lead man had his hood down, revealing his thin blonde hair.  

"Welcome L.I.G.H.T. to our sanctuary!" He cried out heartily.  

"Of death?" Porter added as he glanced at the missiles again.  

The man scoffed at the comment and laughed, 

"Of enlightenment! Of purification!" He replied with as he gestured at the weapons.  

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