Chapter Three: The day that changed us.

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The sun rays beamed through the curtains as morning struck us. The birds where chirping and there was a warm energy about the morning. I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. My hair was scary crazy from the night before, I brushed my hair and put it up like I usually do, I put in the small gemstone necklace my mom had made for me when I was a small child.

"Mizuki!!" I hear my kid brother yell through the door, "We have to train! Captains orders!" he shouted once again. I heard his footsteps running off into the hallway. I sighed as I began to put on my outfit for the days training. Reality never felt real after that day, my mom and I were so close. It's crazy how fast you can lose everything.

I stepped out into the hallway and began walking to the kitchen where I heard most of the fuss.

"Mizuki!" Armin was standing there, I hadn't seen him in a couple of days. I hugged him.

"Hey Armin" I smiled "Do you still want to see the sea?"

"Of course I do! Then we'll really be free from this world. Just like what we always dreamed about when we were kids." He sat down at the table as we waiting for breakfast to be finished.

"But first I must destroy all titans and take back our home." Eren sat down next to him. He seemed gloomy today. I wonder if he was thinking about Mom and Dad as well.

"Eren?" I looked at him, he continued looking down as I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"I wish mom was here." he mumbled under his breath. I sat next to my kid brother and wrapped my arms around him as he fell into my shoulder.

"Mom is watching us, from the moon, she's there and she's proud of us. She can't wait for us to change the world." I rubbed the top of his head.

"But what if I can't do it. What if I can never control this power of mine?" He mumbled to me. I looked down at him.

"You can do it Eren, my brother doesn't give up until he's successful" I let go of him and smiled.

Our mother never wanted us to join the scouts, even tho Eren and I couldn't stop dreaming about it. At that point in my life I wanted to kill the titans for freedom, not out of revenge.

The rest of the squad came in and we all ate breakfast while joking around and chitchatting. These guys were my family.

Eren is working on how to control his titan today. I'm working on getting stronger.

"Hey Levi" I went up to the captain and nudged his arm "Wanna fight me?"

He smirked "You want to fight me? Are you a idiot?"

"Well yea, I mean you're the strongest, but you're aggressively short, you're nothing compared to a titian!"

he tsked at my comment, I think I found his weak spot.. talking about his height.

"You're shorter then me dumbass." He pushed me a bit and began to walk towards the training field "I guess i'll fight you idiot, but if you get injured that's not my problem"
"Sounds like a deal!" I ran passed him to the field and prepared myself to fight Levi.

"Bring it girly" He stood there with his hands in his pockets.. was he mocking me?
I ran at him and I swung, he dodged it and tried punching me in the stomach, I moved quickly to the side of him and grabbed his arm trying to twist it around his back, he twisted around now facing me, he grabbed my other arm and used his leg to try and trip me, I jumped over his leg and was successful in taking him to the ground. He then kicked my legs from under my feet, I'm not sure why I didn't see this coming, I fell.. I FELL RIGHT ON TOP OF HIM!

He gasped for air as my body landed on his stomach, He wasn't expecting so much force, I used this to my advantage by getting on top of him, straddling him, I put a small knife up to his throat and got close to his face "I win" I whispered in his ear. "That's what you think" He smirked as he aggressively flipped me over. He put his hands around my throat and whispered into my ear
"What was that you said about winning?"

My body got the tingles and my face turned bright red. I had lost because I let my guard down.

"You're good captain" I looked at him, his eyes they were piercing but beauty, he was mysteriously attractive, my heart fluttered for a moment but I shook it off.

No I can't think like that, he's my captain, we're here to fight titans, my only goal is to kill titans. Why did my heart flutter when I looked into his eyes?

"Get up rookie quit staring at me like that" He got off of me and offered me a hand to help me get onto my feet.

"What-? I- I wasn't staring at you- I was looking behind you!" I stuttered clearly flustered by his words. He smiled a bit and laughed. "Whatever you say Mizuki." He began walking back to the castle.

I continued to train hard with my comrades, till the sun went down and I was dying of exhaustion. I felt for my neck and I realized I couldn't feel my necklace.. wait I couldn't feel my necklace. I began panicking, it was dark outside I could see anything, panic, all I felt was panic. I searched the ground for what felt like hours. I couldn't find it. I sat down against a tree and began to cry, I couldn't believe myself. I couldn't believe that I lost my necklace. The one thing I left left of my mother.

"Hey Mizu?" I heard a voice, deep, kind and gentle.. I looked up. It was Levi.

"Oh- oh, hi, I'm sorry I know I'm suppose to be inside.." I started stuttering, I couldn't let him see me cry he'd think I'm weak.

"No No. What's up with you?" He sat down next to me. "I heard you might've been looking for this." He pulls out the necklace from his pocket, I smiled and out of instinct, I embraced him.

"Thank you! Thank you!!" I said as I had hugged him. He seemed to hesitate before patting me on the back..

"Why are you crying?" He said quietly, I pulled away from him and looked down at the necklace, I didn't say anything, I was embarrassed. He sighed "Turn around." I looked at him confused and he held the necklace up, I turned around and pulled my hair aside, he put the necklace on me and I sighed, "Thank you Levi, I was crying because I couldn't find the necklace.. my mother gave it too me"

"I found it stuck to me actually, it must've fallen off while we were training" He giggled, I'm overdramatic aren't I?

I looked at him, I was confused, I wondered why he was so nice to me, but treated everyone else with such attitude and cockiness.

"Levi why are you so nice to me?" I mumbled it because I was embarrassed to ask..
"I'm not sure really. I just feel the need to talk to you I suppose."
"You treat everyone else like shit tho." I laughed and started fidgeting with my fingers.
"Ya but you're different for some reason. I can't exactly put my finger on it."
"Are you saying you have a crush on me?"
"Okay don't get too cocky missy." He stood up and reached his hand out, "it's chilly lets go inside shall we?"  I grabbed his hand and he helped me to my feet, we walked back to the castle talking about the expedition that was slowly creeping up on us. I was nervous, It was first real expedition. He on the other hand was confident we could succeed, but he also was nervous about the many things that could happen, the world was unpredictable, I mean Eren's a titan.. how many people do you think are actually titans? What if there's more hiding among us?

"Why were you guys outside??" Mikasa was standing in the kitchen as we entered the castle.
"He helped me find my necklace, I was scared I had lost it." I grabbed onto the necklace and started fidgeting with it. Mikasa had this strange look in her eyes.. she was staring at Levi, almost angry like? but more like bloodlust.
"Why are you looking at him like that?"
"Because she thinks I'm perverted." Levi looked over at me and started walking away.
"Because you are." She mumbled under her breath, I giggled, I figured she was talking about the time he walked in on me changing.
"Go to bed all of you." Levi yelled as he was walking up the stairs. So much attitude in that voice, but it was also so kind and gentle. It made me comfortable.

Okay I may the tiniest crush on him but I can't let anything come of it.

i'm awful at this i should just stop writing at this point
someone plz kill me

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