Chapter Four: The day before

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*2 weeks later, one day before the 57th expedition*

It was officially one day before the expedition. I was still nervous as hell for tomorrow, I couldn't get it off my mind. I was so scared of losing my family, my friends, my team, and hope for the future of paradis. It was gloomy outside today, raining, cold, Levi let us have the day to mentally prepare and physically train if we'd like too, but he said we didn't have too considering that's all we've been doing straight for the past two weeks. In the past two weeks we've grown closer, I think he's grown on to me, all of them have, I never really talked to anyone besides Armin, Mikasa, and Eren, but sense I joined the survey corps, I've grown close with all of them, Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Reiner, I'm not to close with his little puppy dog and annie, I'm not so sure why, they just never wanted to talk, no matter how hard I tried.. I didn't mind tho, I was the same way at some point, and I had liked it that way. 

I heard a knock on my door, "Come in!" I yelled and Levi entered the room.

"Oh hey there captain." I smiled at him
"Call me Levi brat." he closed the door behind him and made his way over to me, he sat next to me on my bed and leaned back against the wall, I was still in bed, I was reading a book my father had gotten for me, about the world outside, and the types of animals and lands there were. I put the book away and looked at Levi, "What's up Levi?"
"Nothing, just felt like hanging out" He looked at me, his eyes where piercing and beautiful, he made me nervous, I got butterflies in my stomach.
"Are you sure? I think someone has a little crush on me" I nudged his arm and he smiled slightly.
"So what If I do?" He mumbles, my heart dropped and I went speechless for a second.
"You- What? I was just-" I started tripping over my words.
"Shut up." He then laid down in my bed.
"What are you-"
"It's nap time, care to join me ?" he got comfy but laid on his side facing me, I slid down laying my head on my pillow, then laying down on my side facing him.
"You have your own room Levi" I was confused, why was he acting like this all of a sudden? I mean I didn't really mind tho.. If I'm honest, I had a little crush on him too..
"Yours is nicer, and I want to be in here" He seemed nervous.
"I think you do have a crush on me"
"And I think you like me." He raised his eyebrow at me and I blankly stared at him.
"Um well-"
"Just shut your mouth and come here." He laid his arm out and rolled on his back. Like he wanted to cuddle with me? Cuddle? Us? No way this is happening to me right now. I hesitated for a moment before he grabbed me and pulled me into him. My heart was skipping beats, he was warm.. comfortable.. and I could feel his abs through his shirt.. oh dear oh dear oh dear.
"Why are you doing this?" I looked up at him as I had my head on his chest.
"Because Mizuki, I can't get you off my mind. Is there a problem with that." He whispered as he started running his fingered through my hair. "Do you at least feel the same?"
"I do. I haven't been sure what to make of my emotions but this.. this is nice." I whispered back. I accidentally pulled his shirt up a little revealing his V-line and some ab..
"You like what you see?" Levi giggled realizing what I had just done.
"I- What!" I started tripping on my words again, I was so unbelievably nervous.. I shook my head and pulled his shirt back down. I could hear the rain outside, It was calming.. We sat there in silence for a little while. Levi still running his hands through my hair.
I had always wondered what this feeling felt like.. seeing my mom and dad together. I always longed for a emotional connection like that, but I was always too scared to develop one. I closed my eyes and listened to Levi's heartbeat, his breathing was calm, and slowly I had fallen asleep Levi's arms..

when I woke up he was gone, I rubbed my eyes and looked around it was still bright outside I assumed it was like 3.. I quickly put my hair up and went out to go grab a snack. I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach.. Why would he do that?

I grabbed a bowl and put some leftover soup in the pan and began heating it up. I watched the soup as it began to bubble and boil.

"Hey Mizuki.." I hear Eren behind me, "Could you heat me up some too?" He sat down in the chair at the table.

"I don't mind, what have you been up too?" I grabbed another bowl for Eren.

"I was training against Levi, he said you were asleep, so he came and helped me out. I'm feeling nervous about tomorrow." He stated and I sighed, so he put me to sleep then left? Weird.

"I am too, I believe in us. We've been waiting for this day our whole lives haven't we?" I picked up the bowls and began putting soup inside of them, I sat down across from Eren and handed him his bowl.

"I guess you're right. I just don't want to lose anyone else.. How many lives must be sacrificed before we can be free from the titans?" He questioned as he began to eat.

"As many as it takes.. people join the Scouts to be apart of the path to freedom.. even if that means risking their lives."

"It's not fair, Is it? They wanted to see freedom too, and their lives where taken from them.. I'm sure they had family, friends. tsk."

"You're right Eren it's not fair." I sighed and began eating as well. "But don't worry.. we'll make sure we pull through it."

"I hope you're right Mizuki." He sighed and for the rest of the time we ate in silence. I couldn't help but to think of the worst, I tried staying positive but what if things went so wrong..

We finished eating and said our goodbyes. I went to the showers thinking about how badly I just wanted to stand in some hot fucking water. I entered the room and began undressing myself, I turned on the water and waited for it to get warm. It was a stall shower room, so any of the other girls could come in if they wanted but they couldn't see me unless they entered my stall. I saw steam exiting the water so I stood under it for a little while before I began to wash my hair and my body. It was so warm, it felt so nice against my cold, pale skin. I stayed in there for about 15 minutes before I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself and heading back to my room.

I entered my room and locked the door behind me as I did that I felt a strong presence behind me. I turned around and was spooked as I got cornered against the wall by Levi. I was only in a towel.

"What- what are you doing-" I stuttered on my words and he covered my mouth.
"Shh shh" He put his finger to his lips and grabbed my hand and began pulling me to the bed. He threw a tshirt of his at me and some underwear and shorts.

"Why are you in here? and why did you go thru my underwear?" I was so utterly confused

"Well I knew you were in the shower, Figured I would surprise you." He sat on the bed.

"Well turn around so I can change dickhead." He turned around and I changed quickly. I sat next to him on the bed. "Now why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see you duh, and you look good in my clothes." He smiled a bit at me and I smiled back. "But here I have this for you." He pulled out a bracelet with black beads on it. I took it from him in confusion.

"I know you're nervous about tomorrow so keep this on you, It'll keep you safe and remind you of me!" He seemed excited about the whole reminding me on him part, cocky ass. I giggled and put on the bracelet. "Thanks Levi." I said

"Anytime brat." He stood up and patted my head before walking out of the room.
I was in too deep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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