The stutter

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*Chars POV*

All at once, the door slammed open. A boy sprinted in.
"I'm so so-"
Unexpectedly, he just stopped. I cleared my throat.
"Oh sorry. It's just that..."
He stopped again. I narrowed my eyes and he continues.
"Your so beautiful. And Im a little flustered. That's all."
I blushed. This boy was quite the cha rmer.
"Thank you. Are you Carter Lyons? The class just started. I'll walk you to the room."
"Thanks. My friend Liam  is forcing me to do the class. I usually just use the equipment."
"Well, I guess you get off free this Time. I'm the teacher. My friends just helping with the warm up while I finish these spreadsheets."
" Your the teacher?"
"In the flesh." I smiled as I signed the last paper. " All done! Let's go!"
Carter smiled weakly as I walked down the hall.

*Carter's pov*
Here I was. Walking across the hall. With a super cute girl. Late to a workout. Ran by her. What was I thinking?
The weirdest part was that I'd never liked a girl before. Never even been attracted to a girl. And here I was, at the age of soon-to-be 18 year old, crushing on a girl I'd never met.
Walking into the room, I could tell Liam was mad. But before he could say a word, she spoke.
" Hello class! I'm Charlotte Jones! This workout class will be thirty minutes long. 2 minutes on, 15 seconds off H.I.I.T. Before we start, does anyone have any questions?"
Charlotte Jones. That name sounds familiar.
"I do." Liam spoke out
"I wanna know if you would like my friends number? He's really great, and hes turning 18 in a month."
"His name is Carter. And he's sitting right next to me."
My mouth fell in shock. There's no way that he just said that. Charlotte laughed. She had the cutest laugh.
"After class you all have to fill out some paperwork. Grab a scrap piece of paper and have him write it then."
Did she just---
She did. Charlotte Jones wanted my number. This scared me in the fact that I'd never dated anyone. Like I said, Charlotte is my first crush. Charlotte started the workout with high intensity, and I struggled to keep up.

*Char's POV*
Something made me think for a second. Why did I allow that? Carter's friend asked if I would give Carter my number and I agreed. Why? I've only  had one crush. I was in kindergarten. His name started with a C. In first grade he moved to a different school. I never forgot him. Since then, I had never liked or dated anyone. But here I was. The class was over, and I was watching Carter write his number on a paper. And in a way, I was excited.

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