The Date

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Shortly after I left the gym, I received a message,

Hey Carter! This is Charlotte (:

I was surprised at the sudden gesture but instead of waiting, I responded.

Hey Charlotte! Did you make it home safe?

I was shocked at what she texted me next.

Yep! I did! Hey listen, I've got dinner with my sister and her husband at my house tonight. Do you maybe wanna come?

I frantically gripped my phone.

Yeah, of course I do! What time were you thinking?


I'll be there!

Looking at the time, I determined that I had about an hour before dinner with Charlotte. I was nervous, considering this would be my first date. Ever.

Standing outside Charlotte's door was shocking. She lived in a mansion! I finnally convinced myself to knock on the door. The door swung open, revealing a young ripped man.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
What do you think of the new chapter?
I wonder who the guy is....
Sorry it's so short. My chapters will be wayyyyy longer soon.
Make sure you comment, vote, and follow! I may or may not post tomorrow.  I'm going out with my friends. Love yalllllllll!
PS. The pic down below is how I felt when the dude answered the door 🤭

 The pic down below is how I felt when the dude answered the door 🤭

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