2. Lost

142 13 12

3rd person POV

"Papa! Momma!"  Jisung's little legs carry him as he runs towards his parents. "Sungie! My baby." His mother picks him up and embraces him in a tight hug. Jisung buries his tiny head into her hair and reaches for his fathers hand. He breaks out into a fit of giggles. "Momma, where are you and Papa going? Can Sungie come?!"  he asks excitedly. His mother chuckles, "No baby, maybe when you grow a little bigger." The child pouts, "I am bigger! See?!" he pushes out of his mothers hold and puffs his chest out. "Sungie is bigger. Sungie comes too!"

"Honey, me and your mother have to go out on the boat for a while." His father kneels down to his height. "We will be back in no time baby. And I promise when you're older you can come with us and maybe help." His father smiles and ruffles his sons hair. "Will Sungie make me a promise?" The young child nods his head obnoxiously. "Does Sungie promise to be a good boy until we come back?" the man asks. "Sungie is always good! I promise!" Jisung all but shouts, squinting his large doe eyes shut. Both parents chuckle. "It's time for us to leave okay baby? We will be back before you wake." His mother bends down to give him one more hug. "Mommy and daddy love you." she whispers in his ear. "Sungie loves you too!"

"Jisung, I'm so sorry sweetie...your parents, they...."

Jisung POV

"No!" I violently wake gasping for air. My head and chest feel like they're on fire. I try to sit up only to feel a sharp pain in my back. I collapse back down. Though my eyes are closed and I can't see anything I know I'm near the water. I can smell the salt from the sea. I open my eyes for the first time and look around me. I don't recognize my surroundings. My blood runs cold for a moment. Where am I? As I'm looking around I notice I'm in some sort of cave. The top of the cave runs about fifty feet high above my head and at the bottom is a bright blue pool of water. It's deadly silent. My heartbeat is the only sound. How'd I end up here? Somehow I ended up on the edge near the water. If I reached out my hand, I would be touching the glowing pool of blue. The air is cold and I feel like I might faint. The last thing I remember was falling off the boat. Changbin Hyung? Chan Hyung? Are they alright?

I'm not sure how long ago that happened or if anyone will ever find me here or if my friends are even still alive. I have to stop my self from panicking. The ground around me is cold and I try not to wince sitting up. I want to get a better look at my surroundings. Taking in my surroundings once again, I try to find a possible explanation to how I ended up here. There isn't any obvious exit. The only opening I can find is the very top of the cave that displays the night sky. Despite everything, I still take a moment to stare up at the sky and admire the millions of tiny stars littering the moonlit night. Just let me know I'm not out here alone.

Not even a moment later, I hear movement in the water. Too afraid to look, I shut my eyes tightly and clench my fists. Of all the things it could be my mind only thinks of the worst. Maybe it's a dolphin. I tell myself this to help muster up the courage to take a peak. The sound coming from the water is coming closer. I inhale then exhale slowly. Turning my body, I repeat my breathing exercise. Except what I see makes me intake a sharp breath. Immediately, I'm frozen stiff. A cold chill runs through my body like an electric current.

I suddenly felt the air around me get ten times colder. In the water staring back at me are two glowing blue eyes. Is that a person? They have dark black hair that lies slicked back revealing the two sharp eyes piercing through me. The creature just watches me. I can't describe in words what it is. It appears human but alien at the same time. A man? Without me even realizing, I slowly get closer to the water like I'm in a trance as we lock eyes.

Before I could react, I'm yanked into the water. The creature has a hold on me, pulling me under deeper. I scream and try yanking from its grip. Memories of what happened after I fell from the boat come flooding back. Is this how I got here? What does it want. I feel myself starting to choke. The unknown creature stops pulling me and instead swims to be face to face with me.

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