4. Long Day

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It seems like an eternity before the nurse finally makes it back to the room. Only this time I can hear two more sets of foot steps behind her. My eyes begin to burn. I don't know how but something in me knew that it's my friends. Maybe it's just me willing it into existence or maybe we really have some sort of strong connection that I can sense in the air.

As soon as I see them round the corner and come into view, it's as if a dam within me breaks. I make eye contact with Channie hyung first and I can see that he's been through hell and back. He's one to never look weak and out of order in public. A clean, shaved face had become rough with facial hair sticking out like bristles around his cheeks. What was usually neatly parted hair was now a very oily mess. Anyone can tell by looking at him that he's been crying.

Not too far behind him is Binnie hyung. I'm used to him looking a little rough. He's never been too concerned about the thoughts and opinions of others. But the way he looks so desperate and absolutely caved in, I can hardly look at him. I've never seen Changbin cry. He'd never show any complex emotion, always keeping it hidden from the world. The sight before me is heartbreaking. None of us says a word. I want to say something. I'm so happy they are okay but somehow the fear of the worst is still in my heart. I need to know that they are really here in front of me.

"Hyung.." is all I can manage and all that needs to be said before a waterfall of emotions pools down my cheeks. "Hyungie. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I can't look up, but I can hear sniffles coming from the other side of the room. "Wh...why? Why are you sorry?" I finally look up at Chan. His face is scrunched up as tears stain his cheeks. We make eye contact and that's all it takes before he rushes to my side. "Jisungie I'm so sorry. I thought...I thought the worst had happened to you. I'm so happy you're okay." He grabs the back of my head and presses his forehead against mine. "I promised to always look out for you and I messed up. I thought we'd lost you. I'm sorry Sungie. I really am." Chan begins to cry again. It really hurts to see him like this.

"Hyung. It's not your fault." He always blames himself. I don't think anyone is it at fault. "This was just an accident." Chan hyung pulls back. I can hear more sniffles coming from the other side of the room. "Not to be that person but Binnie hyung, you look like shit." All the attention in the room shifts to the boy standing in the doorway. I can see the hurt in his body language. He hasn't made eye contact with anyone since they both arrived. "Binnie, please look at me." He finally looks up and his eyes are bloodshot. "I'm sorry."

"Hyung it's not your fault. I can't stand to see you like this. It's gross." I say still feeling somewhat emotional. Changbin just chuckles pathetically and rolls his eyes. "I thought you were dead you son of bitch. Next time you die I won't shed a single tear for your ugly ass." This hyung I swear, "That's not what you were saying a few seconds ago. 'I'm sorry Jisungie. This is all my fault. I'm a terrible hyung. I love my Jisungie.'' Channie hyung laughs at the two of us. "Bullshit. I never said anything remotely like that. You must have some sort of brain injury. I'm a great hyung." He walks over to the bed and sits down.

"You know I really thought you were dead. What kind of dumb ass leans over the boat. What if you never washed up some where? How can you have survived this long?" It's clear to me that he's just worried.

"You know Hyung, you're an ass. I don't think great hyung's say things like 'son of a bitch' 'ugly ass'. Oh! Also that I must be brain dead. You're a gigantic ass. That's why your butt is so flat. You wear it on your head. Butt head ass." Chan, used to this already, sits back and tries to keep his chuckles hidden. "Oh! You're such a fucking child. Looking like a damn science experiment with all these damn wires and shit strapped to you."

It was at that moment that I actually looked down to see that I did in fact have tubes connected to me. "Jisung. Hey. Don't panic." Shock washes over my features. Why am I connected to a tube? Chan grips my shoulder and my eyes snap to his. "You're probably dehydrated. No, you are definitely dehydrated. This is an IV tube. It sends fluids into your body. It's okay." I've never been hospitalized before, I don't know what any of this shit is. "You were stranded for several days without proper hydration and without any nutrients. This is helping give your body what it needs."

Deep End [Minsung]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن