I don't know if I'm worth this

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I got this idea at 1am so here we are :)

Warnings: descriptions of violence and attempted suicide

Word count: 1424

After 70 years of torture and brainwashing, Bucky knew he would never be the same happy-go-lucky kid from Brooklyn he used to be. Instead he had the lives of innocent souls on his hands, stained a deep red that would never be washed out. The howling screams of his victims as they fought the winter soldier for their last breaths rattled in his head, some of the few memories he had gained back.

Each look to his left limb brought pain to the ex HYDRA assassin, towing along a flashback after flashback to haunt him for the rest of his days. The prosthetic glistened in the faint light of the setting sun, reflecting at a new angle as the soldier walked around his partners bedroom, unconsciously walking closer and closer to the open window.

It wasn't until a sharp gust of wind brought back an unwanted memory from his past.

February 11, 1972

I was in the detainment room, fresh out of cryo, waiting for my next mission. "Зима" (winter) the stout man addressed me. I didn't recognise him but he said his name was Arnim Zola and had information for my next mission.

Zola held up a picture of a tall man with dark hair, someone I seemed to vaguely recognise, but couldn't remember because of how frequently they were scrambling my brain.

"His name is Hans Müller, and was a previous handler of yours" that's where I recognised him from "We have great reason to believe that he is a mole working with S.H.I.E.L.D and has been reporting secret intel back to his bosses. It is your job to find him and kill him, whilst the other soldiers you will be working with retrieve and destroy any information he may have with him"  I nodded, absorbing all the new information "He lives with his wife and daughter in Berchtesgaden in the south of Germany in the Bavarian Alps, meaning you will have to hike from Salzburg, Austria, as there is no safe landing sites fir the aircrafts nearby. Is everything clear Зима"

"Да, сэр" (yes sir) I replied indefinitely


After the treacherous walk through the Alps, we made it to the destination of Müller's house. He lived on the outskirts of the town, making it good for an easy escape. I checked out my surroundings, making sure no one was near, although it was the early hours of the morning, you could never be too sure.

The house we had been directed to had three floors and was a large, grand building, it was white and had beams and statues all around, looking like it came straight out of the 1800's- fitting for a S.H.I.E.L.D agent I suppose

I bust down the backdoor and immediately grouped the three family members into the kitchen together whilst the rest of the soldiers searched the rest of the house for intel.

"Bitte tu das nicht" (please don't do this) Müller begged in German before switching to Russian, maybe to try connect to me, it wasn't working "Возьми меня, но, пожалуйста, не обижай мою семью" (take me but please don't hurt my family) he begged, on his knees, practically praying "please" he finally stuttered out in English.

"Спокойной ночи Hans" (good night Hans) I mumbled before shooting him clean in the head, leaving blood splatters on the faces of his wife and daughter.

The woman spoke just before I was about to shoot her "please, my daughter, she is only six, have some compassion and spare her life" I paid no attention to her pleas as I cocked my gun and shot her in between her eyes. The child gave out a shriek, before I shot her in the mouth, bringing her to the same inevitable death as her parents.

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