Radio talks

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Preserum stucky aGaIn ik I'm trash
No warnings so enjoy!
-1013 words-




Steve had his head in my lap as he listened to the story on the radio. It was some soppy romance, about a guy and a girl who went from friends to lovers- how original. He kept looking at me with wide eyes or shocked expressions as I stroked his hair, probably because something 'interesting' happened. I wasn't listening, however, I was re-reading the hobbit, one of my favourite books ever written.

It was only when Steve shifted and I saw his smile drop that I paused my reading to ask what happened. "What's up stevie?"

"Nothing" he replied nonchalantly

"Yes there is, don't lie to me, I can read you like a book, you are my boyfriend after all"

"Secret boyfriend" he mumbled and I just shook my head

"So you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to force it outta ya" I said with a grin on my face, making Steve smile a bit

"It's just- it's just the ad on the radio, another one about the war, and I can't help but to think that I need to help, I need to go out there and fight for my country, fight for you" he whimpered

"Stevie you know that ain't possible-"

"Why Buck! Why ain't it possible? I got just as much right to serve like any of those men, laying down their lives for this country!" Steve sat up, raising his voice at me.

"Steve, you know they wouldn't let you in, they wouldn't take you on your asthma alone! Never mind all your other ailments-"

"So you think I'm weak, you think I can't defend myself?"

"This isn't a back alley fight Steve, this is war" I replied, starting to loose my cool.

"I don't care! It's the right thing to-" Steve started before I cut him off in a huff


"James!" Steve shot back in an equally angry voice

"Look Steve, I'm scared. That's it. That's why I don't want you out there, because you're a good person, and war isn't good, war is brutal and murderous and I'm scared that it wouldn't treat you right and you wouldn't come back alive. Your the strongest man I know Steve, maybe not physically, but you sure as hell are the bigger man mentally. I've looked up to you all my life, and if you were gone, I wouldn't know what to do with myself" I almost started crying at the thought of a world without Steve, but by the look on Steve's face, I could see what I had said had somewhat worked.

"Ok" Steve whisped cradling my face while he sat sideways on my lap "I get it. But I want to at least try, just to see if they would take me, at least let me try Buck"

"Fine" I sighed "now come on, you were half asleep before that commercial, why don't you get some rest"

"But it's only seven-"

"And it's been a long day, so let me get a blanket, you can lay on me until you fall asleep, and I'll take you to bed once I finish my book, sound good?" I queried, stroking my lovers face

"That sounds perfect" Steve smiled up at me with that toothy grin I adored

"I'll be back in a minute" I ran into our bedroom and grabbed the fluffiest blanket I could find, before running back to the sofa, to find Steve already half asleep

I carefully manoeuvred Steve so I was laid under him with his head on my chest. I started stroking and braiding his hair that was in desperate need of a cut. He hummed in delight when my fingers massaged his temple.

"Buck" he whispered

"Yes baby"

"Can you read me your story, not from the beginning, just read from where you are"

"Of course I can doll" I replied, kissing his temple. I picked up my book and opened it to the page I was on.

"Now is the time for our esteemed Mr. Baggins, who has proved himself a good companion on our long road, and a hobbit full of courage and resource far exceeding his size, and if I may say so possessed of good luck far exceeding the usual allowance-now is the time for him to perform the service for which he was included in our Company; now is the time for him to earn his Reward."

I kept reading to the end of the chapter until I heard soft snores coming from my Steve. He was curled into my chest and his mouth was slightly open, dribble forming on his lower lip. His long eyelashes  rested on his porcelain skin, and his cheeks were red and rosy.

I put down my book and lifted him so his legs were straddled around my waist. He mewled at the change of position but soon settled back into my chest. I walked us to our bedroom and placed him down against the headboard, so I could take his shirt and pants off. He opened his eyes at the stark coldness around him but I quickly shushed him back to sleep as I placed my shirt over his tiny body. I then laid him down in bed as I went to lock the doors and turn the lights off, quickly coming back to take off my clothes and crawl in bed with him.

He rolled over and keened into my side, and I buried my nose in his hair, taking in his sweet smell. He placed his cold feet in between my thighs, making me shiver but inevitably holding him tighter. "I love you so much stevie, I'll never stop loving my you" I whispered just before he drifted into heavy sleep.

I stayed awake for a few more minutes, stroking his hair and placing kisses on his head. He looked so peaceful when he slept, a slight smile on his face- hopefully dreaming about me.

Little did he know I would be gone soon. I had been drafted to fight in the dreaded war.




I hope you enjoyed that, sorry it's short, it's just a daydream I had in geography
Yes I daydream about stucky don't judge
But anyway I'll be back soon love yall ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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