I'm Fine!

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Hey so thanks for reading this I guess (if anyone even reads this (they probably won't but oh well)) I'm gonna try and post once a fortnight so enjoy
And my author's notes won't always be as long as this one
Words- 1122 without A/N
Warnings- fluff, (light swearing literally once)




"Steve! Hey Steve are you up?"

Steve knew that voice anywhere. It was his best friend Bucky Barnes who had probably come to take him out for the day, like he does every Saturday. It was 9am and Steve still hadn't gotten out of bed. It was a hot July day so he was laid in his underwear sweating, with no air conditioning to cool his small apartment down. He had woken in the middle of the night with a persistent cough and bunged up nose and hadn't got much sleep since. Despite not being in top shape Steve rolled his tiny body out of bed and traipsed half naked towards the front door where Bucky was shouting. When he opened the door he saw Bucky's look of excitement turn to worry as he looked Steve up and down.

"Hey Buck" Steve said as cheerily as he could

"Hey Steve, uh are you alright? Sorry did I wake you? I can leave and we can go to Coney Island another week if you aren't feeling-"

"Buck 'm fine just come in and I'll get dressed so we can go"

"Oh um ok" Bucky blushed as he realised Steve was only in his underwear, looking at the ground as he walked into the apartment

Steve let Bucky sit down on the couch as he went back into his bedroom to get dressed. He threw in the same clothes as yesterday, as he was saving his newly ironed shirt and trousers for a job interview at the phone company on Monday morning. Steve had always struggled to get and keep jobs, and mainly relied on his mother's income to get by. But now she had passed, Steve had to fend for himself and earn his own money. Bucky tried to chip in where he could but his wage couldn't support two grown men, especially when one has so many health conditions he practically lives in the pharmacy.

Steve stumbled out of his bedroom somehow looking iller than he did five minutes ago, big bags under his eyes and bright red cheeks and nose, which only pressed on Bucky's concern.

"Steve I really don't think you should be going out today. You need rest, I can stay home with you, I could even stay the night if you needed me to. Just come sit down" Bucky patted the seat next to him on the couch and Steve slowly walked over, slumping down onto the hard metal springs.

Bucky carefully unbuttoned Steve's jacket and placed it on the chair opposite, then sat back and placed his arm on the back of the sofa behind Steve. Steve took this as an offering to sit closer to Bucky and rest his head on Bucky's chest. Steve sighed in contempt as Bucky moved his arm so he could stroke Steve's hair.

"Thanks Buck. This really means a lot to me ya know?" Steve said after a moment of silence between the two

"Well what are friends for." Bucky replied "do really want me to stay the night Steve?"

"Oh um only of your not busy, you don't have to if you don't want, I know it sound stupid"

"No, no, I'd love to Steve, I'll just need to go home to get a few pillows for this couch"

"I mean you could stay in my bed if you wanted" Steve mumbled under his breath, only just loud enough for Bucky to hear

"If you wouldn't mind then yes, I can sleep in your bed, apparently tonight's meant to get cold so you could do with the extra body heat."

"Yeah, yeah, body heat" Steve said


By the end of the day, Bucky had made him and Steve lunch and dinner and had been out to buy Steve some medicine, which he almost had to force Steve to take with his food, but Steve eventually gave in to Bucky's persistence.

For the rest of the evening they had put some music on and danced with each other, but it was really Steve clinging onto Bucky and standing on his feet while Bucky danced around the room. Bucky kept tripping over and bumping into tables whilst Steve just clung on to his best friend for dear life. But it was a distraction from how awful he was feeling and Steve felt a bit better with Bucky by his side

After a couple of hours of dancing, Steve and Bucky finally made their way to bed, with each other.

"Are you sure your ok with this Steve, I can always sleep in the couch or on the floor next to your bed if you want."

"James Buchanan Barnes for the last time, it's fine. Now just get into bed."

"One last thing" Bucky paused as if pondering on what to say "I don't have any clothes to sleep in and I doubt your night clothes will fit me so 'm gonna have to sleep in my pants"

Steve turned red at the thought of sleeping next to a half naked Bucky but said it was fine as he climbed into bed. From where he was sat he tried to focus on the opposite wall but failed miserably when he locked eyes with Bucky's abs. He was everything Steve wanted to be and more and he couldn't help the jealousy pang over him like the prick of a needle. Then Bucky started to pull his trousers down and Steve got even redder. Steve looked at Bucky's thighs and his perfect ass, covered by the thin white cotton of Bucky's boxer shorts.

"Like what ya see Stevie?" Bucky said humorously, but with a hint of seriousness in his voice, shaking Steve from his trance.

"Oh uh umm sorry I didn't mean- I uh shouldn't have been looking"

"Don't worry about it Steve, now, you planning on letting me in that bed or you just gonna leave me to freeze out here." Steve peeled back the sheet, letting Bucky climb into the bed and then swiftly trap the sheet under their body's, not letting the cool night air into their warmth.

As soon as Bucky got comfortable, laying on his back, he pulled Steve up to him, so that Steve's head was rested in his chest.

"God Buck, at least gimme a chance to get comfy for myself." And with that in a quick movement Steve rolled over and snuggled into Bucky's side, breathing in the scent of his best friend. Steve tangled his legs with Bucky's while Bucky placed his arms around Steve protectively, as if he was defend Steve with his life.

"Stevie" Bucky whispered quietly to Steve

"Yeah Buck"

"You're a punk"

"You know you love me jerk"

"Yeah. Yeah I do."

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