Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Why did you say that to him!" Ally cried out to me. "That's crazy! And its so unlike you to insult a teacher... What has gotten into you?" She asked, gently scolding me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Now isn't the time to tell her. I still don't know this guy very well. Something's off about him.

"Nothing Ally. Everything's just peachy." I said, smiling dryly. She sook her head at me, giving me a hurt look. Now I feel like a horrible person, but I can't tell anyone. Not yet anyway.

"I thought we're best friends." She said softly. I sighed and closed the space between us, hugging her gently. I felt even worse then I did before. What kind of friend am I? I silently promised myself I would tell her as soon as I deemed fit.

"We are best friends Ally. You know that! Ill tell you. Not today, but soon." Her shoulders slumped and she nodded.

"Okay, I guess I can live with that. But I am counting on you coming straight to me." I nodded quickly.

"You'll be the first to know. Promise." I watched as a grin slowly spread across her lips.

"Good. I better be."

"Eww. You're hugging that thing?" River said walking up, behind me. Ally rolled her eyes and looked at him, only to have sadness flash through her eyes. I turned around confused, to see a blond scene girl, hanging off his arm. She looked like the definition of a whore. A shirt that showed off her stomach, and a tight skirt, with 4 inch heels to match. Her lips were painted red, and she had loads of eyeliner on.

Ally composed herself quickly. "Says the guy with walking HIV, hanging off his arm." The blond girl giggled, obviously not knowing that Ally had insulted her.

River smirked and whispered something in the girls ear. Her face turned red, as she giggled and nodded, running off. Honestly, I'm ashamed of him. Ally is a sweet girl, that's completely perfect for him, and he throws her aside like trash.

"Ocean, lets get to class." Okay, now I'm confused. River didn't want to say anything to ally? He didn't want to playfully banter like they always do? I could tell Ally noticed this change, because she looked even more defeated.

I sighed, not knowing what else to do, and nodded, saying my goodbye to ally and following my brother.

"Why are you so mean?" I asked softly. He looked at me through the corner of his eye and sighed.

"Shut up."


"LUNCH!" An overweight freshman cried, as he ran through the hallway, almost knocking me over in the process.

'Well at least he's happy' I mentally said to myself. But I'm nervous. I have to go to Mr.Taylor's room for lunch again. The only good thing is, I get to see Kyle. I really liked him. He's funny, but he does move pretty fast. I had only known the guy 15 minutes, and he's already got his arm around me!

"Off to Taylor's baby?" I turned around to see a smirking Sam. I mentally groaned at the sight of him. He's so annoying! I thought River took care of him!

You could faintly see the bruise under his eye, and the split lip he was sporting.

"Yeah, I'm going to Mr.Taylor's class's." I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but played it off as if I was annoyed with my teacher. "I got detention."

He started making his way towards me. Okay, when did I agree to be this guy's girlfriend? He can't just call me baby, and follow me around! It was one date! One!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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