Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Ocean? Ocean!" I heard. All i can see is black. A little light was visible, and I followed it.

Gaining consciousness, I winced at the harsh lighting of the nurses office. I groaned loudly as I sat up, making my head throb violently. River, who is sitting in the chair looked at me- eyes softening immediately.

"Ocean, what am I going to do with you?" He asked softly. Do with me? Does he hate me? What did I do?

"W-what do you mean?" I said, even softer. He stood up, and started walking towards where I am. When he got to me, he kissed my forehead.

"You seem to always get hurt, or embarrassed, or cry. I don't know what to do Ocean! This is killing me!" My eyes started watering, and I scowled at the tear drop that fell on my palm. Why am i such a baby? River's thumb brushed away my tears and he laughed softly, pulling me in for a hug.

"Ocean, as cute and innocent as you are, you need to stop crying as much. Can you do that for me? Can you stop crying?" I nodded, but more tears continued to flow. Stop it! I think something is wrong with my tear ducts! This isn't normal! It's like I'm pregnant or something-wait... What am I talking about? I'm a virgin for crying out loud!

I'd actually hate to see how emotional I would be as a pregnant lady...

River sighed and gave me a gentle squeeze, before pulling away. "I gotta go. I only got a pass to ditch class till you woke up." He kissed my forehead one again. "Please be careful, and please don't cry." I nodded, and watched as he picked up his neff backpack, and walked out of the nurse's office.

"He's a good brother." I heard behind me. I turned around to see Mr.Taylor looking worried. "You really should lay down." He came over to me and adjusted the pillow, before tilting me back slowly."I'll go get nurse grey. Keep your head down." He ordered softly. His chocolate eyes bore into mine, and I nodded.

"Okay." He smiled at me before going to get the nurse. Why do I constantly get butterflies around this guy? He's my teacher! I need to be realistic! I don't have a crush on him. Yes he is attractive, but he is my teacher. I wouldn't go there.

"We'll ms.Miller, looks like your back." Nurse Grey smirked at me. I sat up and smiled sheepishly, ducking my head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't be Ocean. It's what I'm here for." I couldn't help but smile softly. Last year I tripped and fell, and broke almost every bone in my body due to my clumsiness. Every time I would come in here, she would laugh and wrap me up.

Nurse grey gave me some ice, and had me show I can walk steady for her. She told me I didn't have a concussion, but she wanted me to sit down or lay down for the rest of the day.

"Do you want to call your mom or dad to pick you up? I think you should go home." I looked up at her and shook my head. The school doesn't know River and I live alone.

5 years ago our mother died in a plane crash. She had gone to visit her brother- our uncle- when he had his first child. It was a school week, so we all couldn't go. Our dad had stayed home with us while she went. On the way home, the plane flew too close to a mountain, where a wing blew off, and the plane crash landed. Everyone in the plane died instantly.

My dads job couldn't single-handedly provide for us all. So, when he was offered a promotion when River and I were 15, he took it. At first, he had said no because the promotion required him to travel to China a lot, only allowing him to be home few days a year. River had a talk with him about how he could take care of me, and we needed the money. So now, my dad is in China.

Ocean (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now