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I just stood there missing him and feeling cold alone while I saw him walk away. The next thing I knew was I was running to him n then I jumped onto him and he grabbed me to hold me up, and then I looked into his eyes and he looked magnificent. So I kissed him. I dont even know why,I didn't like him like that,but he kissed me back. Could my friends have been right about him liking me?

The next morning I woke in my clothes from last night: tight blue low hanging top, and a black skater skirt,ruffled and creased from where I'd slept on it. My make-up; smugged across my face and my lipstick was all over my pillow. I was a mess. And just before I was going to go back to sleep I remembered I had to get the bus at 9:30 and it was already 9;14 "shit" like swearing was gonna help. I quickly got out of bed and ran to my wardrobe, it was chaotic; clothes hanging off each section and socks and pants everywhere. I grabbed my favourite skirt and a simple black top that would match. I slipped them on with some tights and 4 minutes had been by! I grabbed some make up and shoved it on. It was definitely not a good look but I could survive. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some food and put it in my bag, I took my artbook off the cabinet and the house keys from the jar in the centre of the table, took my coat and ran out the door. I made it to the bus stop with only seconds to spare. I saw dani sat at the front as usual and he winked at me through the cheap glass. I smiled, but I hadnt thought about what had happened last night, this was gonna be awkward. What was he going to say? Would he act normal or all lovey-dovey? I definitely did not think this through "shit" again I knew swearing wasn't gonna help. "Heyy babe"-dani "hey dani"-dawn. Since when was I a babe? "Your looking good*sarcastic* hahah"-dani "okay no need to mock me.i woke up with only 10 minutes to get ready and get to the bus stop"-dawn "you could have told me I could have held the bus for you*winks*"-dani. I smirked at that. I sat on the chair and dani put his arm around my shoulders like usual apart from this time he had a tighter grip as if he didn't want to let me go. He stares in my eyes and his gorgeous eyes sparkle at mine and With his other hand he brings it to my face and removes some of my smudged make-up, I look down in embarrassment, he then continues to run his hand down my face until it reaches my chin. I close my eyes from the softness of his hand and the thought that he was looking at me, he gradually raised my head until I looked at his intense eyes, he looks at me and then at my lips, I do the same and in the next minute we're kissing.

Dawn.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt