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I can understand why some people like him though, he isnt that bad:light brown hair styled in a right sided quiff,vibrant green eyes and dresses well too!like today his got his baggy denim jeans,up to his waist I dont let him hang'm any lower,  and a dark red V neck top which I got him for his birthday a few weeks ago,I got it because he's fit:he works out at the gym and lifts weights every now and then, and the top shows that off.

      $!/@ "fuck the world,its just us right now... nah nah nah na nah!!"-both. We also have the same music taste:rock with a bit of pop,the occasional dubstep.we're basically twins.

We decided to go to town after we got off the bus and dani offered to take me to one of the restaurants for tea,I questioned it as first though, also I knew he had a job but where would he get the money from?its not like his a stuck up movie star or a drop dead model;however,he could be.but no,hes just another guy. But I soon admitted that that would be nice, I was still curious at why though. After a fabulous dinner of 3 courses that could have been made for a king it was that good. Dani walked me home like he usually does however this time we walked as if we were together, yes like a couple.  And it was weird no doubt but I got butterflies this time, I felt nervous. But I dont like him like that... do I? At the end of the night,it must have been late because all the lights in my house were off, dani hugged me and thanked me for an amazing night and then left.

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