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(After getting off bus, walking to school) I dont like him! God, dawn. You dont like him! You cant! His too good for you! He deserves someone better. I hang my head in a sad way and get through the automatic doors into the mixed arts college. I walk up to the lunch area to meet my friends as usual. "Heyy dawn! I saved you a seat by me"-mikey "thanks mikey" I go and sit and we chat until the bell rings. We scatter away and I walk off to my drama class.when I arrive everyone stares at me as if I've just killed someone I wonder what they were talking about. My friends Amy signals at me to come sit with her by a wave of a hand. I go and sit and ask her why everyones looking at me wierdly"well duh, your going out with dani! *screams* he's the hottest guy around!!"-amy "shit. People know ?"-dawn.shit, how could I not realise that this would happen? How could I have been such an idiot? "But im not going out with him, and plus, I dont like him!"-dawn "well this says otherwise*amy holds up her brand new iphone. On the polished screen is a picture of someone that looks like me kissing dani* "shit shit shit"-dawn "heyy dont worry dawn, everyone else is just jealous"-amy "huh...sure"-dawn. Uncertain I just sit in silence and watch the drama professor talk about expresions. I was glad we didnt have to pull any faces because I really wasnt in the mood, all I could think about was who would post that? It must have been someone on the bus, but who? ( after class )

"I guess you guess already know?"-dawn. A series of nods and simple "yep's" echo from my table. " shit. You guys aren't going to think any differently of me are who?"-dawn "course not dawn, your are chic at this table and how could we think any differently when your are best friend?"-Lucas. I love lucas,  not in that way,hes Adorable, he always knows how to make me feel better and he always makes me smile hes like that little annoying brothers that some kids get but without the annoying bit! Hes always up for a hug or a joke. "Thanks lucas. So you guys up for Texo after school?"-dawn. Texo's this cheap subway or Mac Donalds its got all of it and its where we always get our lunch and our hang out base. "Yep!"-all. "Sup"-james."heyy james!"-dawn. James is this edgey guy which every girl loves: he's got swishey chestnut brown hair and he's always got a loose V-neck shirt in all colours and he's always in black or blue skinny jeans, his face is stern and serious. He doesnt smile much so I make that my job, I make sure he smiles at least once each day. Its a tough job, but im not going to quit on him, he has trouble at home with his parents and struggles to find a point in life,  so thats where I come in I make sure he's okay through the day. One time I had to run to his house which is like half a mile away from mine because he had told me over text that he couldn't take anymore I ran with my phone to my ear trying to tell him that its not like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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