Once Again

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I'm having a baby! Even my beloved husband Gilbert does not know. I have been having the same symptoms I had with Joyce. Let's hope this one is healthier. I need to tell Gil, but I want to do it in a special way. He's at work right now, and I'd love to plan a special surprise for him when he gets home.

"What to do, what to do." I wonder aloud. "Oh, I don't want to wait until Gil gets home. It's not that far to his office. I could surely walk the distance. Oh, and it's so lovely in Prince Edward Island this time of year..."

I grab a basket and head for Gil's office.

"Dr. Gilbert Blythe." I chuckle. "How sophisticated for such an unsophisticated man." I think of the time I cracked Gilbert's slate over his head. I chuckle again.

I finally reach Gil's office and open the door. The secretary nods at me. "Good morning Mrs. Blythe. Can I help you?"

"Where's Dr. Blythe?"

"He's right in his office. Hasn't had a patient all day and is pacing so much he'll have to replace the flooring in his office."

I laugh. "Oh no. Is he that bad?"

"Yes, Mrs. Blythe. Having you in there should make him less anxious."

"Poor Gil." I say goodbye and then walk into his office. "Is anyone home?" I say, knocking on the door.

"Anne?" Gilbert smiles, the smile covering almost his whole face.

"Oh, please do call me Cordelia."

"What?" He says, confused. Oh, that's right. Gil doesn't know that story.

"Never mind. Just call me Mrs. Dr. Blythe."

"That I shall." He says, smiling and pressing a kiss on my forehead. "So, what brings you to my establishment today, Mrs. Dr. Blythe? Nothing broken or sick, I hope."

"No, nothing of the sorts. I've just got some news, that's all."

"And what's that? Are Fred and Diana having another baby?"

I laugh at how close he really is to guessing. He's right about the baby, just not the parents.

"No, FRED and DIANA are not." I emphasize on Fred and Diana.


"How did you pass medical school Gilbert Blythe?"

"What do you mean, Anne?"

I laugh. "Who else could possibly having a baby?"

"I don't know!"


"What?" He honestly doesn't know?

"You honestly don't know?"

"No, Anne....now, if no one's having a baby, then why are we still talking about it?"

"Someone is having a baby, Gil!"


"US! That's who!"

He stares at me, utterly shocked. "Are you kidding?"



"Yes, seriously."

"Oh, Anne!" He takes my hands. "Oh, Anne, how incredibly wonderful!"

A Stroll Through Lover's Lane (Anne & Gilbert Moments)Where stories live. Discover now