The Blythes Find Out

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I walk into the kitchen, where Gilbert is gathering his stuff. "Gil?"

"Yes?" His smile fades as he sees my face. "Anne? Are you okay? You don't look so great."

"I'm not." I say, shaking my head. He grabs his briefcase and my hand.

"I'll take you to work with me and we'll get you checked out, okay?" He squeezes my hand and leads me to the carriage. Gilbert drives a little faster than normal, and his face looks tight with worry. He leads me into his office. The nurse he has on staff, Amelia, greets us.

"Dr. Blythe! Oh, hello Mrs. Blythe. You don't-"

"Look good, I know. Try it from the other end, Amelia."

"Anne doesn't feel good, Amelia. I just hope it's not the influenza...." He says, pulling on his labcoat. He leads me to a small cot and instructs me to sit down.

"Where does it hurt, Anne?"

"Here." I place my hands on my abdomen. "I was vomiting before, too." His eyes go wide and he hurries off to Amelia.

"Amelia? Stay with Anne. I've got to go ask Dr. Spencer a question." Gilbert is soon back with Dr. Spencer.

"Dr. Blythe, you've determined this condition before. But I suppose because of the circumstances........" Dr. Spencer walks over to me and smiles.

"Gil, is something wrong?" I say. Before he can speak, Dr. Spencer interrupts.

"Oh no, Mrs. Blythe. Gilbert was just so starstruck, he didn't quite know what to do, so he called for me! I'll give you the honors, Dr. Blythe...." He turns to Gilbert. Gilbert smiles, sitting down next to me and taking my hand.

"Anne.....we're going to have a baby."

A Stroll Through Lover's Lane (Anne & Gilbert Moments)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat