Issac's trail

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Issac angst requested by OddAvacado I hope you enjoy and thanks!

Sorry for not updating for a while but hopefully i'll have time to start again soon.

Warning this kinda gets dark at the end.

Stay safe and have a good day/night!


The light filtered through the small bared window high on the mossy cobble wall. The boy laid slumped on the ground beneath it terrified of what could be hiding in the room with him.

The room was small and dark, the sound of dripping coming from the corner of the small damp cell. With each shout and clanging of chains throughout the corridor caused the boy to shake and shiver in fear.

Issac starred at the shadows, that seemed to keep getting closer inorder to grab him, trying to see a way out of the cell. The thoughts of the following day clouded his mind full of regret and guilt.

What could have gone differently? Maybe he should have listened to Chris and left with him while he still had the chance. He shouldn't have dragged Barry into his mess and putting his life in dan-.

The sound of the cell door slamming against the wall caused the boy to jump in fright looking straight at the terrifying glare from the man at the door, light seemed to flood in from behind the man making it hard to tell who it was. Unfortunately for Issac the man had a distinctive voice he could recognise from years of listening to it.

"It's almost dawn witch",

Ed's voice echoed around the room as he stepped closer to Issac who's face paled at the sight of the guards face. A large fresh cut went from the bottom of Ed's right eye only to end just above the top of his lip, He winced at the sight of the cut.

"You know what that means?",

Ed slowly crouched infront of Issac causing the smaller one to drag his legs closer to his chest in fear. Issac tried his hardest but he couldn't remove his stare from the large gash on Ed's face causing the other to scowl, Ed roughly grabbed Issac's face so they where looking eye to eye.

With one hand on his chin Ed's other hand slowly tightened around Issac's neck, the smaller clawed at Ed's arm desperate to remove it.

"Your gonna burn in hell for what you've done traitor."

Ed's hand slightly loosens on Issac's throat allowing him to greedily gulp down large breaths of air before choking out a response.

"Which part? Where I saved the day or when i made your face 5 times bet-"

Before Issac could finnish speaking Ed dragged him to his feet and started strangling him again, his eyes full of anger at the mention of his face.

"All you've done is betray me and everyone else by helping that girl leave"

Issac held desperately onto Ed's arm before being thrown onto the ground, he rubbed his throat and winced in pain from the growing bruises, Ed grabbed his arm and dragged him to his feet.

Ed dragged Issac threw all the long twisting corridors, the walls were covered in royal banners and where lit by torches causing shadows to dance in the corners of Issac's vision.

Fear filled his vein's as he heard the echoing chant of burn the witch in the distance, leaning forward slightly he glanced out the window to see hundreds of people, some he knew and where close to but there they were. Everyone circled a large pile of sticks surrounding a large piller.

Ed dragged Issac out a small door and into the yard catching the eye of all the bystanders, everybody begin cheering as Issac was dragged by multiple guards towards the center.

Looking through the crowd Issac saw a group of familiar face's, Drew had tears in his eyes as he clung desperately to Nevin's arm. Nevin briefly glanced at Issac before turning away from him and directing all his attention to his brother. Barry nodded sympathetically towards Issac before putting a arm over Drew and pulling the brothers away from the crowd.

Issac's vision blurred as he was pushed against the piller and had his hands tied behind his back, he shook his head before glancing at the crowd of people one last time.

Issac froze as his and his father's eyes made contact, the man stared blankly at his son as he patted his wife's shoulder. Issac wished he could feel bad for her as tears and sobs left her but all he could feel was anger towards the both of them, if they hadn't convinced Ed to watch Issac out of suspicions none of this would have happened to them.

Issac's head was turned roughly forward as he was gagged and watched as Ed was handing a torch by someone in the crowd.

"Issac Beamer, you have been convicted of witchcraft and helping a fellow witch flee the country. How do you plea?",

Issac screamed desperately against the gag in his mouth only for his words to come out in muffled gargles, Ed's mouth twitched into a grin as he threw the torch onto the pile as people cheered around him.

He titled his head up and closed his eye's desperately hoping to wake up for this nightmare to end, only to feel the heat of the fire lick at his feet and the heavy sent of smoke fill his lungs.

He opened his eyes and starred at the stars through blurry eyes as smoke flooded his lung's and pain spread through his feet and higher on his legs as the flames licked at them.

He quickly looked down at Ed as black spots filled his view, Ed refused to look at him as his world slowly faded into nothing.

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