[50] Hypophrenia

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"All right, kids! Bag down and form up!"

I survey the grounds around me, trying to hide my muted disgust. To the right are rows of huge tents, green in color and positively gross to think of it being our sleeping area. To the left of the tents is what is obvious a campfire surrounded by what looks like stone bleachers. There's what looks like a giant gazebo to its left, and a dirty looking squat shower cabin beside that.

I look further behind the immediate objects before me. There's the lake we passed when we came from where the bus dropped us off, after crossing that huge ass scary rope bridge that hang twenty meters off the ground and was twenty meters across. Then there was a path from the back of the giant gazebo that I have no idea leads to where.

Along with 29 other people I do not want to be around.

"Tent one!" Our instructor, Lucy, yells. She's a pretty, young thing of nineteen with gorgeous golden brown hair tied into a fishtail braid down her left shoulder, with a smiling happy face and brown eyes. We were introduced to her on the bus ride here. Even though I'm still not sure where 'here' is. I think we're somewhere in Arizona. "Kenzie, Rachel, Annabel, Devonne, Michelle, Chelsea."

The names go on, filling up five tents. There's thirty of us from the first group, that Lucy, and another instructor named Brandon, is in charge of. There's still two other groups from our school, though. This one is an all girls one. They put the boys into the second group, and the third one is mixed.

At last, when she's done announcing, Lucy tells us to go back to our tents, put our bags down, and go straight to the giant gazebo, which she calls the 'shacky'.

I pull the flap of our tent aside, taking in the raised concrete platform, the gloomy empty space. It's bigger than it looks from the outside. "Damn, it's dark," I mutter to myself, as I climb in.

"Don't worry," Devonne smirks from beside me. "If you get scared, I'll hold your hand."

I flush red, but I'm grateful for her comment. For reminding me that out of all these people I have to stay with that hate my guts, at least I still have someone who cares.

The last two weeks has been great, honestly. My single was a hit, debuting at #2, all thanks to Mr Simon Cowell. Upon return to Britain for Christmas, it was understood that my relatives were proud of me. For once, I felt welcomed. Appreciated.

And not to mention Devonne, who'd stuck by my side ever since returning from Texas. She slept over most of the time, though this time in my bed with me.

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that she didn't make her move immediately, but I'm completely fine waiting, too. If she doesn't feel ready to start something with me, then I won't start anything, either.

A yell breaks me from my thoughts.

"Dibs on sleeping by the side!" It's Chelsea.

One by one, the other girls take their claim on sleeping next to each other by the other side, leaving Devonne and I to occupy the two spots by the left side.

Devonne purposefully places her bags next to Michelle's, saving me from having to sleep next to one of Chelsea's people. I put my bag by the edge, getting out first and letting Devonne hop out beside me.

A whistle sounds through the air. "Hurry up, ladies!"

"Come on, let's go." Devonne takes my hand in hers, swinging it between our bodies as we head for the mass hall, trailing after the girls that have begun moving in that direction as well.

We sit at the table near the edge when we reach and, soon, are issued packets of food. Around us, people erupt in loud conversation as they eat, music blasting out from the speakers above.

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