chapter 35

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"Huh...didnt think someone of your status would be interested in someone like me?" Malachite mumbles tilting his head abit. "My my you know there are people who are dying to have your power you know" the captain chuckles slightly. Malachite smiled nervously something about that comment didnt sit right with him.

Malachite looked away for a moment and sighed softly. "Arent you going to join the festival?" William asked as he went to Malachite and made malachite look at him by raising his chin up. "U-uh not really, I dont do well with crowds and my friends are probably just busy....with each other" malachite mumbles sadly.

William looked at malachite and the distressed state he was in 'perfect' he thought in his head before putting his hand on his forehead "well I guess the star announcements are going to begin i must go now" William states leaving a very dizzy and not feeling so well malachite behind.

Malachite felt a slight pain on his forehead. He only brushed it off and stood back up again then stretched a bit then slowly made his way out of the alleyway and went to find asta. He only then saw that the announcements were already starting. He climbed up the a building then looked over to the announcement instead

"First place goes to the

golden dawn! A star total of 125 ! Thats an improvment"

The crowd only then roared in cheers

"Please allow me to introduce the highest earner among all the magic knights our promising rookie yuno"

Yuno only popped out proudly, malachite hummed softly and claps abit.

"And now for the second place winners the black bulls!"

"WOOOOOOOHOOOO!"  Malachite callef out which grabbed attention to all his squad mates the crowd were in absolute shock

"Their star total 101!"

Malachite smiled brightly and snickers as he danced around a bit. He then listened to all the crowds doubts mad huffs softly feeling disappointed " the black bulls risked their luves to save us from the eye of the midnight sun so i wont let you talk about them that way" kahono spoke up .

Rebecca spoke up too

The wizard king onlt called for a captain or anyone. Malachite and others new exactly who , yami only then threw asta. Malachite only then giggled and suck into the ground then appeared next to asta and snickers "way to make an entrance asta" malachite smiled. Asta looked at malachite and grinned happily seeing malachite was here too.

The crowd only cheered, malachite crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes as yuno and asta only argued abit and laughed. "Lets take a good cheer for those three" the wizard king smiled. "Huh?" Malachite tilts his head thinking it was about asta and yuno this time. "The third one with a promising future malachite has done a good amount of work and for that gained alot more stars for the black bulls by alot" the wizard king smiled and patted malachite's head.

Malachite blushed and looked down shyly but the crowd cheered for him too. The crowd only broke into whispers and praises thinking they were nobility. "Actually they are not nobles, but commoners isnt that sad" seke popped up to be annoying again.
And the crowd went back to talking shit about them which yuno and malachite were NOT having it.

Yuno let his Mana grow it was a light green glow while malachite released a small piece of it and even then it was a lot and his Mana was a light purple glow. "Shut up you filthy nobles I bet I can beat all of your asses at once!" Malachite exclaims.

The crowd backing up in slight fear but amazement. Malachite only then calmed down then backed up giving yuno and asta their moment. He was always amazed at seeing the two train they looker so close. Yuno threw a wind arrow at asta but asta then went ahead and slashed it away. "Nice one yuno! Amazing as ever!" Malachite exclaims.

Yuno blushed as he was being praised by malachite. His crush since he was at least 13

Asta only cried out pouting and grumbles. "Now that you took a glimce at their magic I dare anyone to come up if you doubt their power" the wizard king smiled. Malachite only stuck his tongue out at the nobles and smiled at the commoners. He still disposed nobles more then anything

"Hey...hey listen to me malachite your gonna have to go away they will come after you if they find you here" a woman states softly as she was growing weak "but...where will i go grammy?" Malachite sniffs "somewhere else but not here"

Malachite looked down with a slight frown but took a deep breath and smiled again. The wizard only cried out and made an inspirational speech to the crowd and the crowd began. Malachite hummed softly looking at asta and smiled. Asta looked at malachite "hehe" he giggled, "now then a few worlds for the king of the clover kingdom" julius announced

"Huh...the king of the clover kingdom huh?" Malachite mumbles "oh yeah we never met the guy huh?" As ta points out and malachite nods as then the king popped out ready to basc in the crowds cheers but not many people cheered. Malachite only deadpanned abit at the kings appearance. "Yikes" malachite mumbles

The king introduced himself and expected a huge roar from the crowd but not many were cheering either "YOU CAN DO BETTER THEN THAT!" He yelled.

"Yikes is that all it took for him to snap?" Asta mumbles "unbelievable" yuno said simply "disappointing" malachite pouts he thought maybe the king would be attractive but all he got was a runty snobby king. "Eh king Julius is obviously more attractive looking. " malachite mumbles "SHUT UP HOMO!" The king points his piggy fingers at malachite. Malachite gritted his teeth as he was gonna attack the king but asta held onto his waist and yuno grabbed his wrist to keep him from throwing a chunk of lava at the king. "Why I atta' grrrr....this little bitch i'd dare him to call me that again" malachite grunted through gritted teeth as he struggled.

"You FOOLS I AM THE RULER OF THIS GREAT KINGDOM AND I DEMAND ADMIRATION AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR!" the king screamed at the crowd. He only began to rant like a monkey about how great him and his family are "I think the wizard king should be the king from now on" a little girl spoke but the people around her shushed her. The king only got even more mad

"I have a very important announcement, we have found the eye of the midnight suns hide out" the king states as the crowd gasped. "Really?" Malachite mumbles raising a brow for a moment.

His vision flashed to an elf sitting there with a sad face they looked up at malachite "your like me....your like me" their sad face turned insane amd creepy

Malachite flinched slightly as he held his head but shook it off again it wasnt that bad

For now

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