chapter 58

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(Skipping Fillers later)

It was a fine morning, malachite was packing his stuff mainly for the reason he was going to head out later that day. He sighed softly as he looked out the window, he was very tired he had gone nights without sleep. Many in the squad were all worried for him.

He held his head for a moment and grumbles a bit. He felt something was wrong and his upgrade in control of his magic power. He had declined training with others, he only then walked outside to see asta training and smiled softly "catching up on training huh?" He asked. Asta looked over to malachite and smiled brightly "yep! Gotta be extra strong if we want to beat those spade devils" asta states flexing. Malachite nods and shook his head "yeah , I will try my best too once I leave" he states "I know you'll be brave and stronger then me even" asta said.

Malachite looked at Asta and blushed looking away for a moment. Asta chuckles at the reaction and blushed himself. Both being now flustered and awkward with each other the silence was LOUD.

"How awkward" Nero mumbles in her bird form on a branch. "Sup nero" malachite smiled looking at the bird he only sensed something towards the bushes. He narrowed his eyes slightly and held out his hand as his grimoire appeared . "whos out there" he glared. Asta sat up from his push ups and tilted his head looking toward that direction.

A mage only popped out and looked tired "huh?" Malachite raised a brow "hey what happened" asta mumbles as he went to the mage on the ground and went to them seeing if their okay "wait asta careful, who knows what that person can do it could be a trap" malachite called out. Nero flew down and turned human and looked down at the person.

"Please...take this" the woman spoke opening a bottle. Malachites eyes widen seeing the bottle had a familiar poison in it that exploded and some sort of smoke was surrounding them.

Asta and Nero both coughed "what is this?" asta mumbles. Malachites growled softly as he made the ground crack. Before they could get asta, he ran to them and knocked the shit out of the first mage and launched them into a tree with his own fist. Then went to grab pasta before he felt electricity run through his body making him cry out in pain and fall back. He only saw them start running with asta and nero "dammit " he mumbles and only ran after them. Noelle helping along the way with her Valkyrie armor.

"They arent taking Asta or nero away they just cant" he mumbles. He only went to his half devil form and was alot faster he ran into the male holding asta and tossed him forward while asta was in the air. Malachite only jumped up and caught him in his arms he only saw they were taking hero away too "dammit, noelle!" Malachite calls out "I got it" noelle states running ahead to grab hero but one of the mages created a stone wall in noelles away so fast noelle only ran into it.

They only tried to get nero but in the end they only started to disappear. Malachite bit his lip then looked at Asta and sighed in relief but felt terrible that he couldnt at least save nero as well. Noelle only asked them who they were and they were known as
"The devil banishers"

Malachite looked at asta and sat on his calfs and shook asta "asta? Asta!" He yelled trying to wake him up. But he wouldnt they immediately went to the DOC to see whats the matter with him, noelle being the one to tell everyone else about astas Condition and nero missing .

Malachite looked at Asta frowning softly as he held his hand. "Yes okay but asleep" Doc states with a smile
Marx was only dragged to the room by yami "asta" he mumbles "still snoozing?" Yami hummed and frowned slightly.

"A sleeping position thats for sure" malachite states "exactly" Doc nods "we'll have to look through his memories" marx states bringing his spell up. Malachite only sighed as he looked at what Asta was seeing and thinking. "They had little spells but they seemed to just played tricked" Noelle said "I sensed them almost immediately but i didnt think they would be that stupid group" malachite mumbles and glared slightly "managing only to grab asta but i couldnt get nero" he frowned.

Yami punched into the wall he was pissed "they messed with the wrong group" yami glared. "Damn straight" malachite exclaims "also yami trouble its damnatio again" malachite pointed "how do you know that?" Noelle asked.

Malachite hummed softly and sighed "I can see magic, and I know finral and gauches magic when I see it" malachite explained "and whatever magic that Dick of a judge's magic looks like" malachite sighed. "Thats impressive" Noelle said. Malachite only smirked slightly "Hehehehe wow never thought you'd say that to little ol me" malachite smiled. Noelle only scoffs and flipped her hair crossing her arms.

He only saw them all go out, malachite rather stay with asta till hes awake.

It was night time when asta began to wake up. Malachite was asleep next to pasta holding onto his arm, which was honestly the first time he had a good nap since the incident. "Where am i?" Asta asked "in a room in the castle" Doc responded . asta nods then remembered about Nero "malachite get up we have to get to Nero now" asta shook the male awake then got off the bed and ran his way to the door.

Malachite sat up immediately and nods "right" he huffs. Asta only ran into yami who was just coming from finrals portal. Yami grabbed his head and lifted him up from the ground.

Malachite looked at yami and sta then sighed softly. The Doc had made asta better and yami and the others explained about the situation "Devil banishes...hmph what can those people do? Right now it just seems like they are nothing but a small group right now" malachite crossed his arms and glared at the floor.

Yami ordered them to stay at the hideout but Asta wanted to find nero, and Marie who was also kidnapped. Yami was off to do some buisness

Malachite pursed his lips and shook his head "damn" he mumbles softly. "I have an idea but lets head to the hide out first" malachite states looking over to finral, asta, and noelle.

They all went back to the hideout
Malachite sat on the couch then focused he opened his grimoire and used

All seeing eye

He shook his head slightly as he looked at the open screen magic "Woah since when were you able to do that?" Finral asked poking it. "Shut up and let me focus on neros mana" he hissed as he then found her but not the place she was in. "Nero...nero" malachite whispers "can you see me?" He asked as he watched nero move then open her eyes to look at malachite and raised a brow "malachite what are you doing?" Nero mumbles . "dammit she can see me but I cant hear herr" malachite whined.

"Its okay as long as we see that Nero and Marie are safe enough." Noelle states. Malachite frowned and nods


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