chapter 38

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Malachite raised a brow as he watched the men talk about them being dead if they took a peak but yami encouraged them to. Leopold was conflicted he loved his wild flower but was curious on how a woman looks "NO! I must not i have my wild flower already" Leopold cried out "nah you can go ahead I dont care " malachite states shooing him away abit with his hand.

Yuno wasnt interested either cus his heart was set on Malachite and he wasnt interested it women. Period (A/N: he really isnt from what I see in the manga and anime XD)

Then all the men charged towards the wall and started climbing. Malachite deadpanned "come on kid you know ya want to" yami states to asta, he knew well not to ask malachite cus he knew full well that malachite wasnt interested in women like at all. Asta didnt say anything "NO WAY I ALREADY GOT MY HEART SET ON SOMEONE ELSE AND I REFUSE TO BETRAY HER LIKE THAT" asta yelled.

Malachite heard "her" then he felt that ache again. He looked down and placed a hand on his heart he frowned and sighed looking away 'heh hes so dense and loyal'  malachite couldnt help but laugh.

Yuno glanced at malachite seeing him sad made his heart hurt a bit then he pats Malachite's head as confort. Malachite looked at yuno and smiled softly with a chuckle "thanks yuno" malachite mumbles.

The next days

The entrance to the royal knights thing was happening and the gang had just arrived. Malachite really didnt feel like doing something so stupid but its important and he wants to be by astas side for the most of it mainly so women dont take him away from malachite. "Sup glasses, mimosa" malachite greets after asta did. Klaus smiled at asta "I should warn you i've been training im stronger now so it wont be so easy to beat me" Klaus smirked. Malachite looked at him and chuckles as he took his glasses "great to know old hag I cant wait to see that" malachite chuckles making Klaus blush "h-hey give those back!" He huffs slightly

Mimosa looked at Klaus and giggled at how flustered klaus was towards malachite. "Sup yuno" malachite smiled, yuno looks at malachite and blushed as he nods slowly. Klaus raised a brow and narrows his eyes slightly at him 'does he like him too?' He thought in his head. "Oh sweet wild flower how long has it been" leopold cried out as he took malachites hand and twirled him around and smiled. Malachite sighed "good to see you too fire runt" he mumbles and pushes away from Leopold. All three men looked at each other in a way that mimosa definitely noticed making her place her bets. Only malachite and asta hadnt notice.

then finral popped out with a very new do. And luck, magna anf asta all judged finrals looks but malachite slid in and socked all of their heads "you three shut up at least finral looks new and cool" malachite huffs "WHAT WAS THAT KID!?" Magna growled "im like your age" malachite scoffs. "Thank you malachiiite" finral mumbles with tears in his eyes.

Julius came out to explain the test then the king came up and explained the rules and went as far as he could a Julius went on for him and did it better. "Ugh nobles" malachite mumbles rolling his eyes shaking his head. They then showed the teams malachite would be in but didnt see himself making him frown and look towards the wizard king in confusion. Julius saw this confusion of Malachites and gave him a look of 'you know why'

Malachite frowns as he thought back. He had destroyed a whole island trying to control the power he had let loose a bit to much if he were to go out if control who knows who might get hurt. Malachite looked down he didnt like to be treated like something dangerous but the wizard king was right.

Malachite tch'ed and made his way up to the wizard king and looked down. Asta frowned seeing malachite up there and not with him and working hard together. He wondered why he wasnt participating

Then a new male came in, red hair, piercings above his eyebrow, sharp teeth, dark blue eyes he looked like a delinquent. They claimed themselves xerx, and was pretty damn close to the wizard king for some reason "great to be here" the male smirks amd jumped down to the other participants.

"Xerx" went to asta and greeted him before giving him a stink bug making asta exclaim in disgust. "Hehe I think I like this dude" malachite mumbles and snickers. This xerxs didnt care about a nobles status and that made malachite feel like this male gets him.

Then it was time to go to the spot where the tournament and the first teams were already up "YOU CAN DO IT ASTA!"  Malachite cried out and smiled happily.

Malachite only then watched from afar amd raised a brow looking at this "xerx" he hummed softly and snickers as asta was frustrated and looked all adorable. "Hmhmhmhm" malachite chuckles and blushed softly, leopold only sat close to malachite, yuno was on the other and Klaus behind him they all gave a aura of 'im the one whos gonna be close to malachite'

Malachite was only busy watching as ta "they are really good as partner together" malachite comments and smiled happily. Then saw there were surrounded, malachites eyes only glowed slightly as he saw magic he was gonna say something but then he heard the others. The magic just suddenly appeared 'wait so no one else saw them' malachite asked in his head then watched as the attackers magic to destroy astas crystal was fired straight back at them. .

"THAT WAS SO COOL I WANT HIM TO TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT" malachites eyes sparkled as he watched the cool xerx who cooly walked to the one still conscious. He destroyed the crystal and astas team won.


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