Gift Picking

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Birds chirping, wind blowing against branches, the yellow sun rising through the blinds. Panchito woke up to such a pretty view everyday. Today was no different. The rooster rolled onto his back to look up at his ceiling. He put the same smile he had on everyday, and took a breath in.

Panchito sat up quickly and stretched out, then got out of bed. He proceeded to do his morning routine with joy like he always did.

He thought a little about what Donald called him about, and got all giddy again. Yes, he was excited to see his friends in general, but he truly couldn't deny he was most happy to see José. He started to wonder what he could get his friends. Panchito then realized he was actually going to get them something, which he hasn't done in a while. In fact, he didn't really know what his friends really liked at the moment. He decided to put off the thought and continue with his routine.


Once he was done, he decided to go on a little walk since it was a pretty day. He put on his clothes, and a jacket to go outside. 

As Panchito walked for a while around his town, he decided to head to the downtown-like center of his town where there were stores of all kinds.

The center was filled with hundreds, some tourists, all doing something different. Some people were eating in the outdoor sections of the restaurants, others shopping in the little shops. Panchito looked around until he saw a tiny shop filled with paintings and paint items. He entered the shop and looked around.

There were all types of paints, all types of paint brushes, canvases, and a bunch of other stuff he wasn't really sure what they were exactly. He remembered that José liked to paint, so he decided to get him some stuff there.

When Panchito was out of the store, he looked inside his bag of his purchases to make sure everything was there; two paint brushes, a set of watercolours, and three medium sized canvases.  He didn't really know much about paint materials, nor that it costed quite a bit, but he still wanted to get something for his best friend. 

He had one friend down, now time to get his other friend a gift too. 


He looked around in every store to find something, but couldn't find anything he thought Donald would like. 

That was until he about to leave another store, he saw a something that looked like a bed cover. He looked closer and noticed it was a hammock. He pondered on it for some time, and decided to get his friend exactly that. 

Once Panchito left the store, we started to walk back towards his apartment complex. By the time he got back, it was around 4:30. 

He put all the gifts he was planning on giving to his friends on his kitchen counter to be able to wrap them some time later, and sat down to watch his novelas for a little before making himself some dinner.

Word Count: 515

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