Chapter Twelve

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To say that school Friday was bursting with exhilaration would be an understatement. It was nice to see the student body full of positive energy and anticipation rather than the negatives. It seemed like that's all we fed off of anymore since frosh year. More focused on who hated who and who was on what rather than the fun perks of being teenagers. Even the girls who hated me with a passion took a break from their ignorant remarks and pointed stares.

My sight had been unstable, which was just about the downside of the day. I woke up partially blind, then my sight got better by second period, then worsened around fourth period. I managed to survive the hallways alright, since once again Prince Sam came to my rescue and used his intimidating height to block me from potential bunkers. Even though people hated me less today, I still was hated, and it didn't stop everyone from trying to bump my blind ass to the lockers. Teenagers are never the most forgiving of sorts.

"So you dressing up tonight?" Sam asked, chewing at a colorful bunch of Skittles. I reached over and swiped at the pack and he reacted in enough time to evade me, laughing and pushing me away by my forehead. No matter how sweet, pretty, or handicapped you may have been Sam would never openly give up not one of those rainbow candies of his. He's had a Skittles addiction since forever.

"I don't know. I didn't exactly go shopping for a costume this year. How 'bout you?"

"Mmn," He took a moment to suck at the artificial syrup and sugary goodness. Yum. "Yeah. You know I couldn't pass a chance to dress up for Halloween, ever."

I knew he was grinning, and found myself smiling at the thought. He seriously was a kid at heart. It was good to see that some people never changed.

Sam walked with me to my locker as he ran through the costume ideas he had for this year, running through silly banana and power ranger costumes, and telling me that he finally decided to be. . .

I looked over to him when he said it, my face lit with excitement. "What?"

He was grinning so hard I could see it even with my horrible vision. "Yeah, man."

"Seriously? I forgot all about V. That's actually really awesome, Sam." V, or V for Vendetta. Sam and I including a few other old friends watched that movie way back, and were completely geeked out when the mask for the supposed antagonist grew popular and had even been used by protestors and members of Anonymous. And Sam was fully dedicated to his costumes, so you'd never catch him going half way with them. He pulled everything off 100%.

"Thanks," He said, waiting by my locker as I shuffled through my mess of things in search for a textbook. "You should come with me to the costume store after school."

I had just shut my locker then, and readjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder. "For what?"

"You still need a costume don't you? Plus I need to get a wig." He chuckled at the last words. "God, Halloween's gonna be the death of me."

"Hm," I reached out and touched his waves of brown hair. "Your hair's long enough to go wigless though."

"Yeah, I know, but it's not black." The bell had decided to ring. He grabbed my hand. "C'mon."

We walked casually amongst the body of students who sped through the halls to class. Even though he kept a hold on my hand I didn't bother to mention it, but I found it difficult to look over at him. He seemed oblivious to just about everything. That was always the way Sam was. Blissfully unaware.

"You know you can just dye your hair right?" I said, now thinking about it.

He laughed. "Yeah I don't exactly dye my hair, so I wouldn't have a clue how to do that."

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