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Toby sat beside that lizard everyday, why doesn't a hot guy like that sit by me and my so called friends? I thought and gazed at him for a long time "Hey." spoke a boy with orange hair that blazed like fire in the sun light, "Hi, Seth." I sighed melting into his crystal eyes. "How are you this fine morning?" I looked at Toby his brown hair down by his shoulders, "Fine, yours?" His crystal like eyes showed sorrow, "Its good but...." he trailed off, the boy with flame coloured hair scratched his neck nervous to Countie speaking, "My pet. Buddy. died last night from hunger. I left him with....." he chocked the words out and clenched down on his stomach as if he was about to puke, "I left buddy with my cousin's Mom. All of them forgot about him and left him in the heating house for 4 weeks." he walked off and stopped by the door way, "I will be uhhh. Heading home now, my stomach doesn't feel well." he ran off after that leaving his binder where he usually sat, I looked at Ginger and shrugged, "Many people are sad when someone dies. Do you not know how it feels?" I shook my head to Jake, "No. Though one day Toby will join our group, After that we may make a plan to get rid of Emily once and for all." I explained the plan to everyone and they nodded in agreement.

"Sure. That would tip her off the top for good, maybe a brilliant roomer will do for this matter." Tara smirked and glared over to the two great friends, "Maddie go flirt with him. it will make him come flowing over to us.That British brat will tear up from the inside out." Spat Jake, everyone started chatting and giggling away. I started moving a bit closer so did the others, "Hush!" I growled straining my ears to hear the friends chat, "How did you get the cheats?!" Emily asked in shock, "They are simple just look emm up on the Internet." I chuckled with a smirk on my face.

"MOM, DAD IM HOME!" I yelled out with Maddie behind me, "Anyone home?" I asked out loud, "No one is, silly." Maddie smirked walking past me, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the couch, "Lets start to do our project."

A few hours later password and we finally finished our project of the rain forest. "Hey kids." I looked up and saw Ruby and Fred."hi mom and dad." I scolded looking at Maddie with a small smile, "Hello Mrs and Mr. Robison." Maddie said bowing down to them as if she were a maid. "Oh well, hello Maddie." I rolled my eyes again and glared at the three talking.

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