Chapter 4

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My eyes frosted up with tears as I laid on the ground still grasping for air, no one helped. I looked around saw pointing, kicking dust, children around me, phones, iPads pointed at me as I struggled for air, how the ice started to freeze up. I got my air back and struggled to get up as I got shoved right back down, a boy with long brown hair and orange goggles pinned down my throat, "T-Toby?" I guessed as he laughed, grabbing a knife out of his pocket, he set it near my neck. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Yelled a girl, I gazed up shakily. Toby got shoved off leaving the knife atop of me, I grabbed it and turned to him, seeing the girl have two fox ears and a tail. My hand shakily threatened to stab him until a loud crack echoed into the air, I stared in horror as the blood dripped down onto the floor, I started to cry into my sleeve, "Shush.....shush." The girl came walking up to me, stroking my hair as if I where a cat. That's when the idea striked me, "W-Who a-are you?" I stuttered seeing another half breed creature, "I'm Storm and that's my friend, Shadow." She chuckled helping me up to my feet, I backed up away from the two, afraid of them getting their hands on my neck to break it, like Toby's. "Aww she's shy." The boy chuckled under his mask, I stuttered to speak but no words came, "Hmm, deserves her right because she witnessed you kill." Storm spoke, her tone cold. I looked at her and backed away, I found a stapler near me, I grabbed it and held it up. "D-D-Don't c-com ne-n-near me!" I stampered but the two drew closer. I yelled out in fear and ran out the class room, their pounding foot steps, clear on the floor, I kept running until I reached the door and pushed it open. "Hey! Wait!" Yowled Storm, her ears flattened down to her skull.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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