Chapter 2

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I got pushed into my locker, tears streaming hot down my face again. "S-Stop I-it, pl-please." I chocked the words out my throat still hurting, "No way, why would someone from Britain or London or where ever your from be here?" She growled punching me rapidly, i coughed and cried more. She threw me down to the title ground and kicked me in my stomach, i groaned and looked up just to be punched in the eye, "STOP IT!" I screeched my tone ichy. "Why, who's gonna stop me?" Maddie's friends came walking over I looked up and saw them surrounding me. "Get her." Scolded Maddie crouching near me, she grabbed me by my wind pipe and laughed. "No one likes a britsh girl. Don't you want to fit in? I will tell you the secret." she grinned and crushed down on my neck. "Kill your self, then everyone will love you." I looked at her my eyes stretched wide, "W-What? D-Do yo-you m-mean?"

I woke up and sat straight up, "Stop it!" I screamed and felt pain all over my body, "Look the twit just woke up." snapped Toby flicking my wounded shoulder, I looked around and saw I was in a basement. "W-Why a-am I h-here?" I stuttered still looking around, finally I saw tools only a doctor or so, "Like your new look?" Scolded a blurry figure. I looked around and saw the vision slowly turning black.

I sat straight up and saw I was in the hospital. "W-Why a-am I h-here?" I stuttered again and looked around, everytime I blinked my right eye would hurt. "Miss. you only have ummm one eye for now. We brought you here because of blood loss." The doctor spoke his tone gentle I gasped and saw only my left eye working, he was right! "W-What d-do y-you m-mean?" The doctor shook his head and sighed, "Miss, It seems someone someone made a deep cut across your right eye. All we have done is set a bandage over it and an eye patch." I got up and almost fell over. "Y-es, s-ir. M-May I h-head h-home n-now?" He nodded and turned around to give me some pills, "Take these pills for 4 months." my jaw dropped as he gave five bottles of pills, each a different colour. "Ye-yes, si-sire!" I yelled limping away as quickly as I could.

I got home and laid down looking at my tablet screen, I went on Wattpad soon starting to write a warrior fanfic book,"DINNER IS READY, DRUG DEALER!" I rolled my eyes and got up shaking like crazy, "I hate those pills!" I growled walking to the table twitching, "Hey ticci Emily shut up and eat." spat Heather stuffing her face with mac and cheese. I groaned and started eating, "Eat quieter! The whole world can hear you!" Scolded Joey grabbing a fork and stabbing it into my leg, i whimpered loudly and burst out into tears, everyone laughed and my little sister looked up at me with glitter of sadness in her eyes. "Sis, what if they kill you?!" She whispered into my ear chocking back tears, "All that matters is you." I muttered back, I looked up and saw a knife!? "DONT YOU MONSTER!" I screamed pushing Liv down, the knife plunged down into my arm and I cried more, "WHAT THE HELL, EMILY?! I THOUGHT YOU WANTED THAT BRAT DEAD FOR GOOD." I glared at my mother, father, Joey, Willow and Heather. "Leave Liv alone or I'll leave you killers and bring Liv with me!" Heather and Willow chuckled getting up their chairs crashing into the wooden ground, "Go head. No body will ever love you." "We will leave in Apirl, so two months." the five people laughed and went back to eating, I stomped/limped off to my bedroom crying but not caring anymore. "Brat open this door up or I'll stab you in the back, latterly!" I got up and opened the stupid door, "y-yes?" "Mother and Father want you to clean dishes. Now. oh and don't forget to make pudding and jello for the family, remember not chocolate." I nodded and walked off slowly.

After I washed my hands and set the pudding and jello in the fridge, I looked at my wounds and side, "Pain? Why couldn't that have gone instead of my sight?" Liv nudged at my side. "Can we leave in the middle of march, please?" She begged her eyes growing watery,"Fine." I sighed and turned away from her.

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