[1] Roomates

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song choice: Pictures of Girls- Wallows
Content Warning: language.

"You're actually trash! Dogwater!" Valorie taunted as she hit George into the void, again.
"Shut up! AHHHHHHH!" George shrieked in response. Laughter erupted from the rest of the house.
"Tough break buddy." Sapnap said, clapping George on the back as the big 'DEFEAT' displayed across his screen.
"What is that, like 4 wins in a row?" Dream said to Valorie as he slid into George's old spot.
"I'm the bedwars champion!!!" She cheered as she stood up to let someone else have a turn.

Laughter and the occasional scream could be heard from upstairs in the house, as both Wilbur and Niki were streaming together on the SMP. Valorie wandered over to the living room and sunk into the couch, pulling out her phone and loading up Twitter.

It had been two months since she moved into this creator house in Los Angeles, with Dream, George, and Sapnap. A month later Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and Niki came to live with them as well. The 8 popular Minecraft youtubers made entertainingly chaotic content together, and had grown considerably since they started making videos irl. But besides the views and primes, Val loved living with all of her best friends, and Tommy. She would never admit out loud that she loved being friends with the child as well, though she supposed he shouldn't be called that as he would be 18 in a few months.

Val was snapped out of her sappy thoughts by a FaceTime call. It was her mom. She smiled as she accepted it.
"Hey mom!" She greeted. She and her mom had a good relationship, as the older woman had supported her throughout her journey of becoming a content creator.
"Hey sweetheart!" she replied. "How's today been?"
"Pretty good, pretty good. I uh, streamed with George and I beat him like 6 times at bedwars!"
"Hey, great job!"
"Is dad around?" Val asked. While she wasn't as close to the man, she still liked to talk to him every once in a while. However she didn't get to much as he had a demanding government job.
"Ah, no, sorry honey." Her mom responded. "At work again, you know how it is."
Valorie nodded in response. She was very familiar with how it is.
She took a minute to just look at her mom. The woman was in the living room of her old home, and she was wearing a brightly coloured green and blue scarf.
"Oh hey, is that the scarf I gave you for Christmas?" Val asked. She had taken up crocheting as a hobby this past year.
"Yes it is! It looks so good, don't you think?" Her mom responded, doing a mock model pose causing them both to laugh.

The two caught up as usual until their sweet conversation was interrupted by yelling.
"VAL!" Tommy yelled from upstairs, sliding down the marble steps. "I'M HUNGRY!"
Val sighed.
"Tommy, I'm on the phone! You know where the food is, check the cupboards."
Tommy made an 'oops' face as he dashed behind her.
"Oh, hey Mrs. Clarke!" He said as he saw the older woman on the phone.
"Hi Tommy." Her mom laughed. He continued walking to the cupboards, flinging them open and staring intensely.
"See Val, there's no food!" Tommy said, staring at her pointedly.
"Well I don't know! Go get Wilbur to go to the store or something!" She replied, shooing him away and continuing her conversation with her mum.
"Oh, your fathers calling sweetie," her mom stated. "I should answer it, he's at work, it might be important."
"No worries, bye, love you!"
Val put down her phone and turned to Tommy, who was still hovering nearby.
"Come on, let's go convince Will!" she said, grabbing his arm so that he would sit on the couch with her.
"This doesn't look like talking to Wilbur." Tommy said, crossing his arms.
"Yeah, well we need a game plan first idiot! Wilbur probably won't just go, so you'll need to convince him."
"I'm great at convincing! You didn't need to tell me this!" Tommy stood up and flexed his arms as if that was proof of his statement.
"Well, okay." Val chuckled, following him upstairs.

"Heyyyy Wilbur!" Tommy said brightly, all but skipping into the room.
Real natural. Valorie thought sarcastically.
"Hi?" The Brit responded, pulling his headphone off one ear so he could hear them.
"Soooo... you hungry?" Tommy asked.
"Uhhh, yeah? Sure." Wilbur responded.
"Okay," Tommy nodded, making a big show of turning around to leave, and then spinning right back towards Wilbur. "Oops! I forgot, we have NO FUCKING FOOD LEFT!!"
This caused Valorie to burst out laughing at his extreme lack of subtlety, while Wilbur just rolled his eyes.
"Is this your way of asking me to go to the store?"
Tommy nodded vigorously in response.
Wilbur turned back to the stream, unmuting himself.
"Sorry chat, it seems like I'll have to get going. Tommy needs me to go to the store." He announced, still glaring at the teen who smiled nervously.
"Oh, I'll come with you Wilbur." Niki said, as she was in the game with him.
"Sure, Niki."
He wrapped up the stream, and after a few minutes he and Niki took the car to the store.

While waiting for the pair to come back, Val and Tommy returned downstairs to one of the gaming rooms, where Tubbo was streaming a mod with Ranboo, who didn't live with them.
"Hey Ranboo!" Val greeted, sliding into a seat beside Tubbo.
"Hey Val- AHHHH why is this piglin still here?"
All three of them laughed at his scare over the headset.
"You okay?" Tommy asked in between laughs.
"I am, I'm not so sure about you though. Is he breathing properly Tubbo?"
Tubbo turned to look at Tommy who was out of breath from laughing.
"Well!" Ranboo chuckled.

About an hour later, they were just wrapping up the video. Ranboo was attempting to find the end stronghold while Tommy, who had joined halfway through, was in creative mode and pretending to be a god.
"Ah Ranboo, my loyal believer, have some ender pearls!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Oh- uh, thank you?"
"Ranboo, I found the stronghold!" Toby exclaimed, hitting the other boy's player and looking down.
"Follow my disciples, I will show you the way." Tommy said properly, going down into the ground while destructing every block in his path. "Here is the portal room."
"Nice!" Tubbo exclaimed, proceeding to fill the portal with eyes until it made the ominous note, signalling they were ready to go.
"Let's go!" Ranboo shouted.
They made it through the portal, bridged out from the platform, and began to shoot at the crystals.
All of a sudden, all the lights in the house turned off, as well as the pc's they were playing on.
"What's going on?" Tommy asked, directed to Val.
"Powers out..." she responded, just as confused.

Power outages were very uncommon for the mid-July California weather, as it was dry and sunny out. There was not a storm nor a tree break that might have caused a break in the lines, as well as the fact that a lot of the lines in the city were installed under the ground.

"That's so weird." Valorie mumbled to herself, standing up and going to check the breaker to see if something was wrong there, the two boys trailing after her.

In the cold room, Val inspected the little grey box on the wall.
"Nothings wrong," she said, confused. "Everything's turned on, there's no damage, I don't understand what's wrong!"
Tommy shook his head, heading out to the living room.
"Is it just us?" He asked, going to peer out the windows.
Tubbo gasped,
"Everyone's power is out!"

"Val? Tubbo? What's going on?" Clay said, coming out to the room. "Our pc's just stopped working."
"Powers out." She responded, "Don't know why."
Just then, as if summoned, her phone started ringing.
"It's my mom." she said, shrugging then picking it up.

"Mom?" She answered.
"Hey sweetie." The woman replied. "Your power is out there, isn't it." she sounded defeated.
"Uh- yeah... How did you know?"
"Look, I don't really have time to explain. Please get somewhere safe."
"What? Mom, what's going on!"
"Me and your father love you sweetie, please get to somewhere safe."
"Safe from what? Mom, I don't understand!!" Valorie pleaded, shooting desperate glances at the people around her.
"You're in your living room right? Get under the big marble table. It's strong."
"Mom, please. Tell me what's going on!"
"There's no time! I lov-"

The call ended abruptly, just beeping coming from the phone.
"Mom? Mom!" Valorie shouted, but of course her mother could not hear her.
"What's happening?" She said, slowly turning to face Clay.
"I don't know, but I think we should listen." He replied, gently guiding her to crawl under the table.

Her leg only barely made it under as the whole earth shook.
And everything went black.


Woooo please give this an upvote :)

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