[3] Picking up Pieces

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song choice: Worldstar Money (interlude) by Joji
content warning: language.

"Guys, we need to talk about what the fuck just happened." Val said to the guys beside her at the table.
They had gathered around the still-standing living room table to talk and form a game plan.
Dream motioned at the debris and powered out city around them.
"So, does anybody have any theories on what might have caused this?"
"Nukes!" Tubbo said, too excitedly. It made sense as the boy had just finished blowing up a country with his homemade nukes on an SMP.
Valorie chuckled. "I don't think we'd still be standing here if we just got nuked."
"Well, let's recap. Where was everyone and what were they doing before that happened?" George asked.

"I was just wrapping up playing some bedwars with you and Dream." Sapnap spoke. "The power went out so we just started talking because we assumed it would come back like it always does."

"Me, Tubbo, and Val were streaming with Ranboo," Tommy added. "The power went out so we checked out the breakers. Everything was fine."

"Then I came down and was speaking to Val." Clay said. "That was when she got that phone call-"

"Wait, phone call? This is news to me." George said, confused.
"Val's mom called right before it happened." Clay explained.
"Oh? What did she say?"
"She told me that something bad was going to happen, and to get to safety." Val responded.
"Anything else? Any reason?"
"No! She said there wasn't enough time to explain and then my phone stopped working." She recalled, frowning.

"Okay, let's think about this." Sapnap began, "Did your mom do anything... strange this morning?"
"No... we FaceTimed as normal and then she had to go because my dad was calling from work."
"Hmmm, work." Toby said. "Your parents work in the government, right?"
"Yeah," Val confirmed. "Not sure quite what though, they're always quite vague."
"Okay," Tommy theorized. "If your parents both work in the government, and your dad called your mom from there, and the she called you with some weird cryptic warning, is this a government act?"
"You think the government is behind this?" Val asked, surprised.
"I mean, this is America, I wouldn't put it past them." Tommy joked.
"Trueeee." Tubbo added softly.

"But look around us, something caused this destruction." Dream said.
"But what?" Val asked.
"Looks like an earthquake," Tommy responded. "We learned about them in school and shit."
"But why would the government cause an earthquake?" Val asked. "That doesn't make sense."
"Maybe they didn't cause it," George said. "Maybe they knew that it was coming."
"Why wouldn't they warn everyone then?"
"Hey, maybe they couldn't. Maybe something happened." Dream reasoned.
"My dad was there! I hope something didn't fucking happen!"
"Hey, hey, I'm sure he's fine." Sapnap said, pulling her into a comforting hug.

"So our final theory is that we just experienced an earthquake, and the government couldn't warn everyone because something happened?" Tubbo asked.
Everyone nodded in response.
"Then, what do we do know?" he asked.
"I think we need to find Wilbur and Niki first." Val said. "We need to make sure they're okay!"
"Okay," Clay agreed. "We can sound out a team to do that later."
"What about everyone else? All our internet friends? Are they okay?" Tommy asked worriedly.
"Oooh, we should set up stuff to find that out." George said.
Everyone pulled out their phones, but none of them worked.
"They all got destroying sometime during the quake." Val said.
"I can probably repair one." George said, taking all of their phones.

"So that's settled, what do we do now?" Val asked.
Dream responded,
"Stay alive."

And that's it for chapter three! I'm curious, what do you guys think of their theory? Is that exactly what happened, or is there a whole other side to this story?

I guess that's what we'll find out, in chapter 4... coming soon.

Give this an upvote if you're excited!

Half a Heart~ (Dream SMP)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora