[7] New Theories

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song choice: cigarette ahegao- penelope scott
content warning: language.

"We need to figure out a plan." Val said.
Dream nodded in response.
"Mhm, so all electronics are down. We don't know how much of the world this has affected, so communicating with our online friends is pretty much off the table."
"Can we repair them?" Tommy asked.
"In theory, yes." George spoke up. "However, cell phone towers would also be affected by the EMP, meaning we couldn't make any calls. WIFI would probably follow the same rules."
"So what can we do?" Tubbo prompted.
"Well walkie talkies use a single local radio frequency right?" Wilbur asked.
"Mhm...?" Dream responded.
"So, could we fix the phones to be able to communicate with each other? A walkie talkie type situation?"
"Hmm. I mean, it could be done."
"I can get started on looking at those." George said. "Hand over the phones."
Tommy groaned in response.
"What? It's not like they work anyway!" Dream said, taking it from the annoyed teen.

"While Dream and George figure those out, we should find something to eat." Val said. "We haven't had anything all day and it's already dinner time."
"True, I'm starving." Tommy added.
"Do we even have any food though?" Niki asked. "It could have gotten ruined."
"We can go check?" Val responded, standing up.

The seven of them headed to the kitchen, looking through cabinets and fridges, and even behind the empty biscuit boxes that the teens liked to leave in the pantry.
By the end of their scavenging, they had a few cans of beans, some stale crackers, and some suspicious looking past-date peanut butter.
"Well, I'm no Gordon Ramsey, but this doesn't look like a great meal." Technoblade said.
"Well, we're gonna have to make it enough." Niki responded, gathering and bringing a plate of peanut butter cracker sandwiches to George and Dream, who were working in Dreams old office.

The seven gathered once more in the living room, sitting down haphazardly with their bowls of beans and crackers.
"I think we need to talk about our ideas." Sapnap started. "Before, we said that this whole... disaster or whatever, was caused by an earthquake. But obviously, the EMP doesn't make sense with that."
Valorie nodded.
"Any ideas?"

"I think that we are missing too much information." Wilbur said. "We don't know anything."
"Well then, let's focus on what we do know." Tubbo said.
"We know that right before the disaster happened, Val got a call from her mom." Tommy said. "We also know that before that call, her mom was speaking to Val's father."
"We also know that they both work in government." Wilbur added.
"You think the government has something to do with this?" Niki asked, gasping.
Wilbur sighed.
"I'm not saying that for sure, I'm just saying that we clearly don't know as much as we thought we did, and it seems like a possible explanation."
Technoblade nodded and spoke up.
"I'll have to agree here, the timing of the calls seems a little suspicious."
"So we're in agreement here then?" Val asked.
"Agreement of what, exactly?" Tubbo responded.
"That we want answers. We need answers."
All of them nodded silently.

Not long after, George came in.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we figured it out."

That's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :) sorry for slow updates, this takes a lot of time, energy, and fine tuning to write! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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