[2] Stuck In

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song choice: As the World Caves In - Matt Maltese
content warning: language, injuries, blood, stitches.

Clay woke up breathing heavy. His head hurt like hell and he didn't know why. Sitting up, he hit his head on something above him. He looked up and saw it was the living room table. And then everything came back.

Valorie lay beside him, unconscious. As he looked around he saw the living room was covered in debris, and it was hot. At least the table they were under held.
Guess it was worth the thousands of dollars, Dream thought.
"Val, wake up!" He said, turning to the passed out girl and shaking her leg. She didn't move. "Val. Val! Come on!" he said, becoming desperate. He shook her by the shoulders more aggressively. Finally she cracked her eyes open. He sighed in relief.
"Ow what the fuck Dream." she said, before she sat up super quickly and banged her head on the table as well. "Ouch."
Dream said nothing, just pointed behind her. She turned around and gasped at the damage around them.

Parts of the walls and ceiling were broken off and on the ground, creating dust and dirt everywhere. The only place they could see the floor was underneath the table they were on, otherwise every square inch was covered by cement, broken glass, dirt, and dust.

"We need to find the others." Val said, climbing out from underneath the table and grabbing Clay's hand to help him out.
"Sapnap? George?" Dream called.
"Tommy? Tubbo?" Val shouted.

"Over here!" They heard a voice. It was Sapnap, who was with George.
"Oh thank god you guys are okay!" Dream said, running over to them with Val.
"Oh my god." Val said, clapping her hand over her mouth.
George was injured, badly. He had a shard of glass sticking into his stomach which was bleeding out.
"We need to help him now." Dream said, helping sit the boy up.
Valorie nodded.
"I should go look for the first aid kit."

Val knew that she kept a first aid kit in the bathroom closet, however there was one issue: the bathroom was upstairs. The stairs had been almost completely destroyed, crumbled down on the floor.

"Uhhhh, guys?" She called out. "Problem!"
Sapnap jogged over, while Dream was still helping George.
"What's up- oh." He said, looking at the crumbled stairs.
"Yeah. First aid kit is up there."
"Well how do we get up?" Nick asked. The house was a tall one, making getting up without the stairs nearly impossible.
"That's what I was hoping you'd tell me."

"Whatever you're gonna do, you better do it fast!" Dream shouted, putting pressure on George's wound. He cried out.

"Fuck, okay, just boost me up." Val said, grabbing onto Nick's shoulder.
"I'm not just going to yeet you up the stairs, what the hell?"
"This is not the time! Just do it!"
Sapnap grabbed her foot and helped push her up the story. She grabbed the side and scrambled over.
"You can't lift, you would have been a horrible cheerleader." Val said as she leaned over the side.
"As if you were!"
"I was! 10th grade MVP."
"Yeah, yeah, get going." Nick said.

Val stepped over the fallen debris on her way to the bathroom. She grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink, and she was just about to head out when she heard small whispers.
"Tommy? Tubbo?" she asked.
"Val! Over here!" Tommy shouted.
The girl rushed into a bedroom where the shouts were coming from.
"Holy shit."

Tommy was fine, though eyes red from probably crying. Tubbo, on the other hand, had his arm completely crushed by a wooden ceiling beam that had fallen.
"Please Val, help." The injured boy whispered out.
She scrambled over hurriedly and grabs the beam, Tommy rushing to her side to help lift.
"Come on, pull!" she said, and they both tried with all their strength.
"It won't budge!" Tommy said desperately.
"Here, you stay here and keep Tubbo awake, okay? I'll go get the guys to help."

"Sapnap! Dream!" Val shouted, carefully lowering herself down the side of the stairs.
"You alright? Where's the med kit?" Dream asked.
"I got it, upstairs, just... Tubbo needs our help."
"Why? What happened?" Nick asked.
"A big wooden beam fell and its trapping his arm, I think it could be broken."
"Oh shit."
"Yeah, just be and Tommy couldn't get it by ourselves."
"Okay," Dream responded, then turned to George. "We'll be right back buddy."

Sapnap boosted Valorie up the same way as before, and then Dream boosted him. Then the two turned back and helped pull the taller man up behind them.
"This way." Val said, leading them both to the room where Tommy and Tubbo were trapped.

"3... 2... 1... pull!" Dream shouted, and they all pulled the beam back with all their strength.
"Oh thank god." Tubbo said, sitting up quickly, then shouting out from the pain in his arm.
"That could be broken." Val said.
"Let's take him down with George and we can help them both." Dream suggested.
The five nodded and helped lower Toby down the broken stairs, to George and the first aid kit.

"Okay, let's help George first. He's still bleeding out." Val announced to the group when they got back.
"What do we need to do?" Sapnap asked.
"We need to remove the glass, clean the wound, and he'll probably need stitches." She said, wincing.
"Okay, does anyone know how to do stitches?" Dream asked, removing the sterile needle and thread from their first aid kit. Nobody replied.
"Usually Niki would handle this kind of stuff." Nick said, everyone agreeing. They all knew that the woman was the best trained in first aid out of everyone.
"Well, I know how to sew, but not stitches." Val said.
"Well nobody else knows how, so it's all you." Dream said, going over to George with her.

"Okay George, I'm going to take out the glass." She carefully removed the shard with her gloves, careful to not break it any more.
"Clay, take this towel with some alcohol and apply some pressure."
"This might sting a little." Dream said to George.
George nodded and then winced at the chemical coming in contact with his wound.
"Okay, now for the stitches." Val said, pulling out the needle and plasticy thread and dipping the tip in the alcohol.
She carefully weaved the needle through the sides of the wound, then when she was finished slowly pulled the string tight, finishing it off with a knot. Clay put some bandages over top, and kept pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.
"You should be okay now." Valorie reassured George, who sat up slowly.

Dream helped George and Val walk back to the rest of the group. Sapnap had just finished making a makeshift sling for Tubbo, who was now seemingly better and laughing at Tommy again.
"Definitely broken." Sapnap whispered to the other three.
"We'll have to keep an eye on both him and George." she replied.

But for now, they were okay.

Wooo finally finished this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it, I have BIG plans for the future :)

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