The fine lines between lies

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Technoblade had been starring at death just a moment before,he knew that he heard the rope cut. And he swore he even started to feel the Anvils weight on his shoulders. Yet here was Techno. In front of a stranger in a Skull mask.

Technoblade couldn't help but gape under his own mask. (The skull of a boar)This Man had somehow saved him when he was sure he would die.
(He ignored the voices in his head chanting "Technoblade never dies", now was not the time)

Techno was brought out of his thoughts by an anguished scream.

'Phil' His mind so graciously supplied to him,as he whipped his head around in the direction of the  shout.Over the hill he was stood on with the newcomer,You could just see Phil.Atop the balcony his home had,wings curled around him as his body shook with tremors that the tears caused. Techno could just barely make out that the man was on his knees.Techno so badly wanted to comfort him. Already moving to do just that when a hand caught his shoulder. He tensed at the touch,as well as the reminder to the situation he was in. He needed to evaluate where this was going. And what the Ender-loving hell this person wanted form him. He shook the hand off his shoulder aggressively.

"Technoblade never dies!"
"They hurt Phil! "
"Blood for the blood god"
"Wait wait guys we aren't dead calm down"
"We need to find out why they helped us
"I just joined who's that?"
"Are we killing skull mask boiiiii????"
"I miss Tommy"
"Fuck off 'Kiya-567Killgod' Tommy has nothing to do with this"
"Shut up you guys Technoblade needs to focus!"

Techno didn't relax when the voices flooded his brain,with their nonsense ,and often times unhelpful rambling. Though a few pointed out a good point. However first things first he needed to inform Phil he was alive as soon as possible. His father might not be able to take his last son dyi-

Techno didn't relax when the person spoke either. Their voice, glitching and almost too deep for it to be real.

"Don't.I'll get Phil in a minute but it's best they think he's subdued,so when he leaves they think it's out of grief."

Techno growled, hoisting his arms up in a threatening manner, His tusks bared at the stranger. Quickly he looked over the taller person. The interloper was dressed in black garments. The skull of a Bull ,made into a mask, adorned on his face.A hood firmly clipped into place covering anything the mask didn't cover up. His eyes sharpened when he spotted the sword. A crossbow also peeked out from behind the Mans head,must be strapped To his back.

"Ooo mystery man"
"I like him.Faking your death is always fun"
"I can't with yall. Shutdup he's giving us lore"
"Is that my cousin jerry?"
"WTF did he tell us what to do!?"
"Kill him daddy Technoblade"
"Can we stop to think about this for like 8 seconds?!"
"🦀We faked our death🦀"

Techno ignored the voices just as well as he did the with the strangers statement.


Technoblade asked...Well It was less a question and more an order,a threat underlying the sentence.A threat that would very well be carried out if he didn't get some reaction from the person. The obtruder however tensed. Their hand silently reaching for their sword before stopping and settling at their side falteringly .They acted with a hesitation that indicated fear.

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