Chapter 1 - David's Nervous (Prologue)

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- Chapter 1 - Anxiety
Warnings: Look at the second title. That's the warning lol
Third Person POV

David paced back and forth in his kitchen.

"What's up with you?" Sarah questions, sitting at the table next to Les.

Les shoots her a 'can't you already tell?' look.

Sarah ignores her youngest brother.

"I'm stressing out." David answers, his hands tugging at his hair.

"And this is supposed to be new?" Les questions, taking a sip of his drink.

David rolls his eyes at Les.

For only being nine years old, Les sure had an attitude.

David blamed Sarah for that one.

"I, for one, am glad to make friends and not be in school." Les comments. "School stinks." His face scrunches up in disgust.

"Don't let mom or dad hear you say that." Sarah tells him, though she secretly agreed.

She couldn't let him know that though.

Les shrugs.

"I'm very excited to get beat up." David states, sarcastically.

"You don't know that you'll get beat up." Sarah responds. "The Brooklyn Newsies are the ones with the bad rep. not the Manhattan Newsies, and unless you and Les want to walk for three plus hours, you're going to be Manhattan Newsies."

"They beat up the Delanceys." David responds, throwing his sister a look.

Sarah rolls her eyes. "The Delancey brothers are jerks."

"Ooh," Les looks up at her.

"Don't even think about it." Sarah responds, shooting him a stern look.

Les pouts a bit. "Aww, darn."

David shrugs, sitting down. "I'm just nervous, that's all. I'll get over it."

"No," Sarah responds. "You'll stay anxious and bury it deep inside you. It'll eat you up and you'll hope it won't cause you to start crying in front of people and then, if it's still as bad, you'll cry in your room alone."

David shrugs. "Same thing." He states, secretly hating how well his twin knew him.

Sarah smirks at him.

"David, Les! You have to go!" Their mother shouts to them.

David only got more nervous.

Sarah pats his back. "You'll be okay." She whispers. "If you really need something, come see me."

Davey nods. "Love you."

"Love you too."


Javid (obviously)
Spralbert (Spot x Race x Albert)
Belmeruttons (Elmer x Buttons)
Tinch (Tommy boy x Finch)
Spromeo (Specs x Romeo)
Karah (Katherine x Sarah)
Smallsper (Smalls x Sniper)
Blush (Blink x Mush)
Swaves (Skittery x Waves)
Crutchen (Crutchie x Henry
JoMike (JoJo x Mike)
Ikeshot (Ike x Hotshot)
Smace (Smokes x Ace)
Roots (Red x Boots)
Les x Lucky x Tumbler

Ages (oldest to youngest)

Jack - 17
Katherine - 17
Spot - 17
Ace - 17
Skittery - 17
Sarah - 16
Davey - 16
Finch - 16
Specs - 16
Hotshot - 16
Henry - 16
Red - 16
Albert - 16
Crutchie - 16
Waves - 15
Buttons - 15
Blink - 15
Smokes - 15
Boots - 15
Boots - 15
Mush - 15
Ike - 15
Mike - 15
Tommy boy - 15
JoJo - 15
Race - 15
Tumbler - 11
Lucky - 10
Les - 10, Almost

Random Things

Race speaks Italian. (As does Smokes and another Brooklyn Newsie.)

Jack is Manhattan's leader, Race is his second, and Blink is his third.

Spot is Brooklyn's leader, Ace is his second, Smokes is his third, Hotshot is his fourth, and Red is his fifth.

Sniper and Smalls are Bronxies.

Skittery, Waves, and Tumbler are Brookies.

I like to use the head cannon that Newsies Live Race (Ben Cook) is shorter than Spot (like 1992 Race). (Just picture any Spot you want taller than Race, like Jeff H (Tour Spot), cause I believe he was taller than Ben Cook. (Don't count me on this.))

I picture mainly Newsies Live characters, and I use that storyline. (Other than seeing Spot.)

This is a Soulmate AU now.

For anyone who hasn't read any of my books before

Hi. I'm known either as Bree/Bri, Crackers, or Stage lol.
I write a good amount of Newsies Fanfiction on here.
A little note, I write in present tense when people are speaking and past tense when they aren't (though I sometimes switch).
I don't know why I write like this, but I do. If you don't like it, you can leave.


708 Words
I will try to get the second chapter out later today. I have been busy, so please don't get mad if I don't.

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