29 | Dasher

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Good, Goddess, they look hot, Calla said as Eden perched on Fynley's lap in his office, her face the twin to his—indifference. Their eyes glittered with amusement and every so often their lips would twitch like they weren't trying to smile.

A week ago, they had been at each others' throats. Now they had sworn bonds to each other, met the Goddess Mother and first werewolf, as well as started a new Coven together. And they smelled exactly like each other.

Sorry, Iris, Calla added.

My spell had worked—but hadn't worked. It was supposed to create a 12 hour connection to my mind and Calla's incase something happened, but during it I had smelled Iris coming into the apartment, and she ended up tied to it, too. Now all three of us could read each other's minds for the following... eight-ish hours.

No problem, Iris said with amusement, her hand on top of mine as Fynley's dad, my uncle, stared at it, his scowl apparent. They look so hot, though.

I glanced at her. That's what turns you on? All black?

No, it's the essence, she explained. Also, have you seen Eden's breasts? Jesus Christ, I would like to have one in my mouth.

I frowned.

Calla pressed her lips together. She stood on the right side of me, and Jagger stood on the left side of Iris—the two Seconds protecting us. I had my own spells ready, though.

Fynley cracked his hands together before draping one arm around Eden's waist casually. "Let's get started. I don't want to miss too much of the party." I watched with curiosity as she covered his hand with hers.

Do you think they know they're Mates? I asked.

Iris answered first, Fynley knows, even if he hasn't say anything. For males, it's a first sight thing. He would've known the second he saw her.

He was rude to her for months, Calla pointed out.

I almost nodded, but I kept my eyes fixed ahead on the silence in the room, the thick tension.

To protect her, Iris explained. To avoid this happening right now. Everything Fynley has done, even if it does not look like it to you, was to protect Eden. Every insult, threat—he was trying to mask their scents, probably trying to keep her away from him so no one suspect it.

Did you suspect it? Calla asked.

I waited for an answer. I wouldn't have guessed, but I was new to this.

Iris hesitated to answer—or needed a moment to gather her thoughts. I didn't want to, but a part of me knew he had found a Mate. Males get real.. weird. He was mad all the time all of a sudden, very growl-y, and acted like he did when he first Changed.

Yep. Well, I'm glad that period is over, I said. I couldn't picture Fynley like I felt for the next few—

It's not, Iris said, laughter in her tone. Do you see the way he stood with her today? He finally gets her to himself, it's going to be much worse than it was before.


"I'm no longer marrying Iris," Fynley said. "She Mated to someone else, and it would be unfair to her to force her to marry me. Or kill her Mate to avoid him killing me in anger."

Kill me? Iris's frown deepened. "You didn't tell me that."

Eden gave her a sharp look. "You didn't need to know," she replied flippantly. "Neither did Dasher. Why upset you when there was another solution?" Her voice was edged with sharpness, the voice of a Coven Mother.

In the witch world, we call them Heartmates, Calla said with a dreamy tone to her voice. It's more about hearts recognizing each other rather than finding someone who makes the perfect babies for you.

We ignored her.

Kill me? Was that ever an option? They had been talking without us for days without us knowing, and they had been secretive, too. I hadn't seen Eden since this morning when her hair and eyes changed colors, and she walked out of the bathroom with her black and her eyes a wonderful, light brown. It took away that creepiness from her, that sense of something other.

I stared at Eden, but she refused to look at me.

The King—my uncle—arched an eyebrow. "She is supposed to marry the Leader of the Werewolves," he pointed out.

"She will," Eden said. "You know I can't lie either."


But Eden's grin was dangerous. "You don't want me to explain how she will, King. It may ruin your Christmas."

Iris snorted. She's definitely your cousin.

What does that mean?

You make bad puns, too.

I did that once.

The King blinked once, face menacing and dangerous. "Don't do anything you're going to regret, my love."

"Likewise, King." A second later, a feeling of pure terror swept through the room, sinking into my bones, placing goosebumps over my skin. Eden rose, Fynley behind her like some bodyguard. "The problem has been solved—Iris will happily fulfill her prophecy when she marries Dasher whenever they choose. Fynley is now free to find someone of equal power for him."

Sorry about the terror thing, guys, Calla said as another wave blanketed the room. My heart took off in my chest. It just seems to fit the mood.

"As far as your issue with the Coven, Dad," Fynley said, "it's taken care of. They're dead. You handle your connection as you see fit, but we still have the power of the witches behind us."

The Queen, though, spoke up. My grandmother. "I didn't sign off on a new Coven."

Fynley grinned. "Why do we care what you sign off on? The Coven was blessed by the Goddess Mother."

"I am Queen Mother—"

"Yes," Fynley said, voice level and nonchalant, "a position that matters nothing to me. There's nothing you can do short of killing Eden, but considering during our Blood bond we tied our lives together, if you kill her, you kill me. Do you want the werewolves after you?"

The Queen Mother sputtered.

Calla gasped.

Eden shrugged, but she didn't open her mouth—a lie. It was a lie. I hoped anyway.

"There's nothing else to discuss here," Fynley said, and he leaned back in his chair, ill at ease. "Go back and enjoy the party. We need to discuss something amongst ourselves."

The terror pulled from the air, and the feeling that something bad was about to happen disappeared.

The Queen Mother stood, giving Eden and Fynley a look that should've cursed them.

Iris leaned into me. They have started digging a hole they may not be able to emerge from.

I agreed, but I didn't think Fynley and Eden planned to emerge from the hole. The people they were, the sacrifices they made—they fully intended on remaining if that hole if that was what had to happen.

The King paused at the door, though. "I am thoroughly going to enjoy seeing you at the wedding, Eden."

"What wedding?"


"Mine?" For a second, her expression faltered, confusion in it.

"Ours," Fynley corrected, pressing a kiss to the side of her neck without a single expression on his face. "You're my Mate."

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